Plugin: AccessMaintain

From iDempiere en

Note : this page is under construction


This plugin adds a panel which help to maintain records of *Access tables.

When adding a process/window/... you have to enter in each tenant :

  • to add it (if necessary) to manual roles
  • to deactivate it (if necessary) to "not manual" roles

-> which take lot of time.

That's why I create a panel which allow to update all *_Access table from a System access (you can interact with all tenants) or from a tenant > 0 (and there you only interract with roles from this tenant).

You select the type (process/window/info window/...) and then the record (eg: <your last created process>) - you can filter the list using name or created You can filter records using client or role name and/or see only role with access/without access/with active access/everything.

Then you can see records from access table and choose to add/delete/activate/deactivate them.

When pushing the "Process" button it generates and executes direct SQL to insert/delete/update records in the table.

What is added :

- Several messages to handle translated labels
- A form and its menu

If you find bugs or think about improvement, write me an post on google group, or get in contact with me Nicolas Micoud.

If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page

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