NF9 Reverse Prepared Payment Process

From iDempiere en

Feature: Reverse Prepared Payment Process

Goal: Functional

Developer: Nicolas Micoud

Sponsor : T.G.I.

Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-5170

This process was implemented to be able to fix a processed Payment Selection record without the need to hack DB.

Scenario is:

  • Create a payment selection and add invoices.
  • Click on "Prepare Payment" => PaymentSelectionCheck tab is populated and PaymentSelectionLine is now processed
  • Try to generate the file but it fails as there was missing info on BPartner>BankAccount (because an invoice was wrongly selected).

Now, you can just execute the process:


If no payment have been generated, it will:

  • remove records from "Prepared Payments" tab
  • 'unprocess' the header.

It will be as if you never run the "Create Payment" process. It will be possible to add/remove records from the Payment Selection Line tab and execute the Prepare Payment process again.

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