NF9 Implement multiplier and rounding for financial reports

From iDempiere en

Feature: Implement multiplier and rounding for financial reports

Goal: Functional

Developer: Carlos Ruiz

Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-5445


Is now possible (and optional) to define Multiplier and Round Factor for both Report Lines and Report Columns:

NF10 FinReportMultiplierRoundingLine.png NF10 FinReportMultiplierRoundingColumn.png

nb: The Factor column has been deprecated and you can use Multiplier instead (values have been migrated)

The change is done at the end of the process (see scaleResults method) ; there figures are updated according to what was defined on columns and lines. The order is important :

  1. Columns are scaled to apply multiplier and round factor (the column is scaled in all lines)
  2. Lines are scaled to apply multiplier and round factor (all columns are scaled in the line)

So, when there are multiplier/roundfactor in column and line it is applied both times, first column, then line.

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