NF8.2 Period Control Management

From iDempiere en

Feature: Period Control Management

Goal: User Experience (Usability)

Developer: Carlos Ruiz


A new easier way to manage the financial periods is implemented with the window Period Control Management.

The user can select the periods based on:

  • Year: defaults to current year
  • Period No: defaults to current month
  • Period Type: defaults to Standard
  • Period Status
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Document Base Type

Additionally, as this is configured in dictionary as an Info Window is very easy to add more filter, displayed and/or custom fields.

When the ReQuery button is pressed, the window shows the periods matching the filters, the user then can select multiple records and with the button Open/Close All operates on the selected periods.

01 PeriodControlManagement.png

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-2901

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