NF8.2 Defaults for Fields in Send Mail Dialog

From iDempiere en

Feature: Defaults for Fields in Send Mail Dialog

Goal: User Experience (Usability)

Developer: Carlos Ruiz


A mechanism is implemented to fill with default values the variables in the Send EMail Dialog.

Because the needs are very different on every implementation, this needs to be done using an EventHandler plugin.

The plugin must register listening the event idempiere/reportSendEMail in the initialize method this way:

protected void initialize() {


And then in the doHandleEvent method the plugin can decide how to fill the context variables:

  • CONTEXT_EMAIL_TO: To field - as EMail
  • CONTEXT_EMAIL_USER_TO: To field - as User
  • CONTEXT_EMAIL_CC: CC field - as EMail
  • CONTEXT_EMAIL_USER_CC: CC field - as User
  • CONTEXT_EMAIL_SUBJECT: Subject field
  • CONTEXT_EMAIL_MESSAGE: Message field

Example 1

For example, the following code will fill the To field as User:

  • for orders with the invoice user
  • for invoices with the user

when the user has an email configured

protected void doHandleEvent(Event event) {
  String type = event.getTopic();
  if (IEventTopics.REPORT_SEND_EMAIL.equals(type)) { 
    ReportSendEMailEventData ed = (ReportSendEMailEventData) event.getProperty(EventManager.EVENT_DATA);
    if (ed.getTableId() > 0 && ed.getRecordId() > 0 
            && (ed.getTableId() == MOrder.Table_ID || ed.getTableId() == MInvoice.Table_ID)) {
      MTable table = MTable.get(ed.getTableId());
      PO po = table.getPO(ed.getRecordId(), null);
      int userId = -1; 
      if (ed.getTableId() == MOrder.Table_ID) {
          userId = ((MOrder) po).getBill_User_ID();
      } else if (ed.getTableId() == MInvoice.Table_ID) {
          userId = ((MInvoice) po).getAD_User_ID();
      if (userId > 0) {
        MUser user = MUser.get(userId);
        if (user != null && user.getEMail() != null) { 
            Env.setContext(Env.getCtx(), ed.getWindowNo(), ReportSendEMailEventData.CONTEXT_EMAIL_USER_TO, userId);     

Example 2

Another example, the following code fill the EMail To (as User) field whenever the related table has a column with name AD_User_ID, and also fills the CC field when the table has a column with name SalesRep_ID. Additionaly it prefills the message with the mail template with ID=100

protected void doHandleEvent(Event event) {
  String type = event.getTopic();
  if (IEventTopics.REPORT_SEND_EMAIL.equals(type)) { 
    ReportSendEMailEventData ed = (ReportSendEMailEventData) event.getProperty(EventManager.EVENT_DATA);
    if (   ed.getTableId() > 0 
      && ed.getRecordId() > 0) {
      MTable table = MTable.get(ed.getTableId());
      PO po = table.getPO(ed.getRecordId(), null);
      int userId = -1; 
      if (po.columnExists("AD_User_ID")) {
        userId = po.get_ValueAsInt("AD_User_ID");
        Env.setContext(Env.getCtx(), ed.getWindowNo(), ReportSendEMailEventData.CONTEXT_EMAIL_USER_TO, userId);
      if (po.columnExists("SalesRep_ID")) {
        int repId = po.get_ValueAsInt("SalesRep_ID");
        MUser user = MUser.get(repId);
        Env.setContext(Env.getCtx(), ed.getWindowNo(), ReportSendEMailEventData.CONTEXT_EMAIL_CC, user.getEMail());
      MMailText mt = new MMailText(Env.getCtx(), 100, null); 
      String msg = Env.parseVariable(mt.getMailText(true), po, null, true);
      Env.setContext(Env.getCtx(), ed.getWindowNo(), ReportSendEMailEventData.CONTEXT_EMAIL_MESSAGE, msg); 

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-4986

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