NF7.1 @SQL notation for display logic
From iDempiere en
Feature: Implement notation @SQL for display logic
Goal: Technical
Developer: Hieplq
It is possible to base a display logic on a sql query, according to its result. No row returned means false, it won't be displayed Otherwise is true and it will be displayed
A nice feature is the use of ! which reverse the result (no row means true).
As an example, you can check the logic used on 'Web Service Security' > Web Service Type > InsertParameters ; is a button displayed only when there is no records in the parameters tabs.
@SQL=!SELECT 1 FROM WS_WebService_Para WHERE WS_WebServiceType_ID = @WS_WebServiceType_ID:0@
nb: the :0 is here to handle null cases (see IDEMPIERE-194)
Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-3917