NF6.2 Avoid re-running processes

From iDempiere en

Feature: Disallow re-running a process that is already being executed

Goal: Usability

Developers: Diego Ruiz

Sponsors: TrekGlobal


Sometimes when a user runs a heavy report/process more than once, the perfomance cost is really expensive. In order to avoid this, a new field has been created 'Multiple Execution'.


The new field has the following values:

  • Empty: Always allow to execute a process multiple times.
  • Disallow multiple executions: Never allow to execute a process that is already running.
  • Disallow multiple executions with the same parameters: Allow to execute a process multiple times with different parameters.

According to the description before, all the reports have been set to 'Disallow multiple executions with the same parameters' by default in iDempiere.

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-3799

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