NF12 Multiple Payments against statement line by Payment Batch
Feature: Tag Payment Into Batch to Bank Statement Line and Document Workflow Support for Payment Into Batch
Goal: Functional
Developer: Deepak Pansheriya
Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-5329
Due to Direct Debit and Direct Credit features supported by many banks, an instruction is given to the bank, where multiple parties are credited. But such transaction shows a single line in the bank statement. To support the same, allow to select Deposit Batch instead of individual Payments, so that a Bank Statement Line can be reconciled to multiple Payments using Deposit Batch
Use Cases
- POS Terminal Payments generated by Bank>Processor
- E-Commerce Payments generated by Bank>Processor
- Import Payment Batch based on bank csv then payed by 1 statement line
- added Currency field on Deposit Batch
- added Deposit Batch field to Bank Statement Line to be able to link them
- added document workflow support for Deposit Batch
- updated the Match Bank Statement process to use Payment deposits (set Deposit Batch on Bank Statement Line)
- Marking Payments which are on Deposit batch as reconciled.
Main workflow is
- Entering and completing payments
- Then create deposit batch and based on the selected bank account currency field will be auto populated
- User can change currency if payment is not in bank account currency
- Use create from to select payments. (Payments will be shown on the basis of selected bank account and currency)
- complete Deposit batch
- Bank statement matcher try to match completed deposit batch with statement line.
Note: Normally for payment processor, you can manage separate bank account and there you can import Payment gateway statement. When payment gateway run settlement, you can do inter bank account transfer
Notes, regarding to matcher
Bank statement can be matched manually or using matcher automatically. Earlier it was matching to only payments, now matcher can match to payments as well as deposit batch
See also: