NF11 Period Control Document Close
From iDempiere en
Goal: Functional
Developer: cloudempiere, Takacs Peter, Igor Pojzl
Design: Norbert Bede
Review: Carlos Ruiz
Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-5575
Goal: The purpose of this change is to close a period for new documents first, so it is not allowed to enter new documents, but reposting documents remains possible.
Document Actions
- state=opened => period control check does period is opened if yes then allow make doc-action. - state=document closed => period control check does period is document closed, disallow make doc-action. - state=closed period => control check does period is document closed, disallow make doc-action. - state=permanently closed period => control check does period is document closed, disallow make doc-action.
Posting and Re-Submit posting Action
- state=document closed => period control check does period is document closed, allow post/resubmit - state=closed period control check does period is document closed, disallow post/resubmit - state=permanently closed period => control check does period is document closed, disallow post/resubmit