NF11 Monitor Null Trx

From iDempiere en

Feature: Monitor Null Trx

Goal: Technical

Developer: Carlos Ruiz


In version 4.1 it was implemented a way to monitor transactions on idempiereMonitor (see Monitor_Trx), but this implementation is able just to monitor explicit transactions.

In many places iDempiere uses a null transaction (an auto-commit transaction intended for short-time operations), and these transactions potentially can have leaks or open cursor problems too.

With this new feature you can also monitor null transactions using the System Property:


You can also enable this on a running server from the OSGi console using:


and disable it with:


WARNING: This option can have a big performance impact and must be used with care on production just temporarily to trace problematic connection slowness or leaks.

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-6125

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