NF11 JSON Field Type

From iDempiere en

Developer: Diego Ruiz - BX Service GmbH

Sponsor: Cloudempiere

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-2981


JSON is a commonly used data format with diverse applications in data interchange, including web applications communicating with servers. With the development of the REST API in iDempiere, the system has become very flexible. Furthermore, with the new support of native JSON fields, this flexibility is extended even further.

How to Configure

In the Table and Column window, configure the new column, set the Reference type to JSON, and create the corresponding field in the window.

Once you open the window, you can see the JSON field displayed as a standard text field. The JSON will be formatted automatically when saving.

The JSON string will be validated when editing and leaving the field content. If the JSON is invalid you will get an error message.

Technical notes

In Postgresql, the field text will be saved as a JSONB column.

For backward compatibility, in Oracle, it is stored as a CLOB column with a check constraint to ensure that the textual data in the column is well-formed JSON data.


  • altering from another datatype to JSON is not supported at this moment, you would need first to drop the old column and then create it again with the JSON datatype
  • On Oracle: altering the column from JSON to Text Long is not removing the JSON constraint, workaround here is to drop the column first and then recreate it with the new datatype
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