NF11 ESC/Alt+X Shortcut for Closing Tabs
From iDempiere en
Refactor ESC/Alt+X Shortcut for Closing Tabs
Developer: Peter Takacs, Cloudempiere
Review: Carlos Ruiz, Heng Sin Low
The scope of this improvement can be split into two parts:
Implement Alt-X shortcut for the missing tab types
Before this improvement, closing Tabs with Alt+X shortcut was not supported in most of the tab types. For the complete list, see the following ticket: After this improvement, the Alt-X shortcut should work for all tab types.
Support ESC shortcut for closing tab
A new System Configuration record was added: USE_ESC_FOR_TAB_CLOSING. If it is set, then the user will be able to close tabs with the ESC key (besides Alt-X).
How to use:
- Y - use ESC for closing tabs
- N - use Alt+X for closing tabs