NF1.0 UserFeedback

From iDempiere en

Feature: User Feedback

Goal: User Experience

Sponsor: Trek Global


Add user feedback menu to make it easier for user to create support request or contact support through email.

User Feedback Menu

NF001 UserFeedback Menu.png

  • Shortcut Key
    • Ctrl+U - Create New Request
    • Alt+U - Email to Support

Create New Request

NF001 UserFeedback CreateNewRequest.png

  1. Select the type of request to create.
  2. Set the priority of the request.
  3. Enter the description of your request here.
  4. User that you want to assigned your request to.
  5. List of attachment for the for the request. The system will auto add system log and screenshot of current page here. You can use the X button to remove any attachment that you don't want to include (except the system log).
  6. Use the attachment button to add additional document of image to the request.

Email to Support

NF001 UserFeedback EmailSupport.png

  1. The login user's email address
  2. List of to email address, separated by comma. The system will auto add the System's Support Email address (if available). There must be at least one to email address.
  3. Optional list of cc email address, separated by comma.
  4. List of attachment for the email. The system will auto add the system log and a screenshot of current page here. You can use the X button to remove any attachment that you don't want to include (except the system log).
  5. Enter the description of your issue or request here.
  6. Use the attachment button to add additional document or image to the email.
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