Installation on Debian

From iDempiere en

This page contain obsolete information

NOTE: There is new .deb installer to install with more simple "dpkg -i" at IDempiere Debian Installer

iDempiere Installation on Debian

Here is an example of installation guide for Debian. For Ubuntu / Linux Mint, it is familiar.



Please prepare following environments before installation:

  • OS: Debian Wheezy 7.5.0 amd64
  • Database: PostgreSQL 9.1
  • JVM: sun-jre-1.6.0_45
  • iDempiere 1.0c or iDempiere 2.0

Which user to use?

  • Use root for :
    • Install PostgreSQL;
    • Install JRE.

Remarks: use sudo for Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

  • Use normal user for:
    • Install iDempiere server. So you don't have to install iDempiere server as the root user.
    • Install iDempiere client.


1. Install Debian 7.5.0:

2. Install PostgreSQL 9.1:

  aptitude install postgresql-9.1

Next doing following for server installation:

1). Create the user "adempiere" ;

2). Create an empty database "idempiere", and grant it to user "adempiere" ;

3.Download iDempiere server : iDempiere

4.Download iDempiere client: iDempiere

Sun JRE 1.6

Install Sun JRE 1.6 / Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 6u45.

Debian repository stopped providing Sun JRE from Debian 7.0, you should install it manually.

Attention: you are required to register to download.
  • For iDempiere Server running, we need Java SE Runtime Environment 6u45 , just download jre-6u45-linux-x64.bin
  • Go to the path:
  cd /usr/bin/jvm
  • Make the file executable:
  chmod +x jre-6u45-linux-x64.bin
  • Extract the package to current path:
  • Check jvm
  update-alternatives --display java
  • Update alternatives:
  update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java 1067


Install Server

  • Unzip Server
  cd /home/iDempiere
  • Navigate to the idempiere-server folder, for example
  cd /home/iDempiere/idempiere.gtk.linux.x86_64/idempiere-server
  • Please setup, and then test

Server-setup-1 0c.png

Import the Database

PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher

This is the default way to import the database for oracle (10g or 11) and postgresql 9.1 or higher:

After setting up the server (is a prerequisite) you can run:

  cd utils

PostgreSQL 8.4 or 9.0

If you're going to install the official installers in PostgreSQL 8.4 or 9.0 you must run the following commands:

After setting up the server (is a prerequisite) you can run:

  cd utils
  sh 8.4

Please note daily installers do not support these postgresql old versions

Install Swing Client

  • Unzip the client installer you downloaded or created, for example:
  cd /home/iDempiere
  • Navigate to the adempiere-client folder, for example
  cd /home/iDempiere/adempiere.gtk.linux.x86_64/adempiere-client
  • Run and setup adempiere-client
  • Please setup, and then test

Swing-client-setup-1 0c.png

Run iDempiere

Run iDempiere Server

  cd /home/iDempiere/adempiere.gtk.linux.x86_64/idempiere-server

Run iDempiere from Swing Client

  cd /home/iDempiere/adempiere.gtk.linux.x86_64/adempiere-client

Now you can login from Swing client:

User: System / Password: System

User: GardenAdmin / Password: Garden Admin

Login iDempiere from WebUI

Visit and login.

Stop iDempiere Server

1. Get PID of iDempiere Server process:

  ps aux| grep java | grep org.adempiere.server.application

2. Stop the process, replace the PID as you get:

  kill -15  PID

Question and Answer

1. Question: Shall I install following for a server ?

   Mercurial Client 1.7.5
   Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 3.7.2 Indigo
   Mercurial Eclipse Plugin 1.9.1
   Buckminster 3.7 

Answer: No need. These are for source code installation.

2. How to stop iDempiere Server? Somebady please give some advices.

See also

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