IDempiere Plugin Deployer

From iDempiere en

This is a tool to allow you connect to iDempiere's OSGI platform and deploy a plugin, it's useful for continuous integration platforms.

All information at:


$ git clone
$ docker build -t idempiere-deployer:latest ./idempiere-plugin-deployer
$ docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer deploy -h -p 12612 -n com.ingeint.template -l 5 -j /plugins/com.ingeint.template-7.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


Display this help message:
            docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer
            docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer -h
Show plugins list:
            docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer ss -h <host> -p <port>
Show plugin's id:
            docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer id -h <host> -p <port> -n <name>
Show plugin's status:
            docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer status -h <host> -p <port> -n <name>
Deploy a plugin:
            docker run -it --rm --network host idempiere-deployer deploy -h <host> -p <port> -n <name> -l <level> -j <jar>
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