How To Run iDempiere with Oracle 21c Docker in Ubuntu

From iDempiere en

This is a high level how to about how to run iDempiere with Oracle 21c using docker in ubuntu.

It is expected that you are familiar with ubuntu CLI.

Install java

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk-headless

Install docker

sudo apt-get install

Enable your user to run docker

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

Download the official oracle XE 21c

docker pull

Download the daily iDempiere installer from sourceforge

cd /tmp
wget -O

Unzip installer in /opt/idempiere-server

sudo mv idempiere.gtk.linux.x86_64/idempiere-server /opt/

Run oracle XE 21c on docker

  • docker requires the /opt/idempiere-server/data/seed folder to be able to import the seed database
  • docker requires the /opt/idempiere-server/utils/oracle folder to be able to run the scripts
 docker run -d --name xe21 \
   -v /opt/idempiere-server/data/seed:/opt/idempiere-server/data/seed \
   -v /opt/idempiere-server/utils/oracle:/opt/idempiere-server/utils/oracle \
   -p 1521:1521 \

IMPORTANT NOTE: In this example I don't take care of persistent database because is used just for development purposes, but if you plan to use this in a more serious environment is better to take care of persistence adding the parameter -v [<host mount point>:]/opt/oracle/oradata

check STATUS of the docker being created

docker ps -a

Keep checking until the STATUS says (healthy)

Set the oracle password

NOTE: This is setting the password of SYS and SYSTEM users to "oracle", please use here a safer password, this is just an unsafe example

docker exec xe21 ./ oracle

Create local wrappers for oracle commands

Create the following file, this is just a wrapper to execute sqlplus command within the docker container:

echo '#!/bin/bash
docker exec -u oracle -w /opt/idempiere-server -e NLS_LANG=$NLS_LANG -i xe21 /opt/oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE/bin/$(basename $0) "$@"' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/sqlplus
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sqlplus

And then the same script can be used for impdp and expdp

sudo ln /usr/local/bin/sqlplus /usr/local/bin/impdp
sudo ln /usr/local/bin/sqlplus /usr/local/bin/expdp

Test point: try here connection to the oracle instance

sqlplus system/oracle@localhost/xe

Install iDempiere Server

cd /opt/idempiere-server

Common answers:

Java Home = [ENTER]   -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
Java Options = [ENTER]   -> -Xms64M -Xmx512M
iDempiere Home = [ENTER]   -> /opt/idempiere-server
Key Store Password = [ENTER]   -> myPassword
(ON) Common Name = [ENTER]   -> iDempiere
(OU) Organization Unit = iDempiereUser
(O) Organization = iDempiere
(L) Locale/Town = Krefeld
(S) State = NRW
(C) Country (2 Char) = DE
Application Server Host Name =
Application Server Web Port = 8012
Application Server SSL Port = 8412
DB Already Exists?(Y/N) = N
Database Type 1. Oracle = 1
Database Server Host Name = localhost
Database Server Port = 1521
Database Name = xepdb1
Database user = adempiere
Database Password = adempiere
Database System User Password = oracle
Mail Server Host Name = [ENTER]   -> localhost
Mail User Login = [ENTER]   -> 
Mail User Password = [ENTER]   -> 
Administrator EMail = [ENTER]   -> 
Save changes (Y/N) = Y

Configure permissions for the server folders

First you need to obtain the GID (Group ID) of the DBA within the container:

docker exec -it xe21 bash -c "getent group dba | cut -d: -f3"

in my case this returned 54322, so we need to change the group to these folders:

sudo chgrp 54322 /opt/idempiere-server/data
sudo chgrp 54322 /opt/idempiere-server/data/seed
sudo chgrp 54322 /opt/idempiere-server/data/seed/Adempiere.dmp

Import the database seed

cd /opt/idempiere-server/utils

NOTE: if your system has a group with name dba, it's possible that this command fails because the script oracle/ changes back the group to dba. If that's the case you can comment those lines in the script to avoid changing back the group.

Run iDempiere Server

cd /opt/idempiere-server

Enjoy in your browser

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