Fork and Branch Git Workflow

From iDempiere en

This is the definition of the workflow to manage iDempiere commits (starting April 30/2020)

This workflow is usually known as "Forking Workflow" or "Fork-and-Branch Git Workflow" - you can find good explanations about this kind of workflow searching in google.

The document explains how to do it for iDempiere:

Creating a fork

It is encouraged that every developer contributing to iDempiere project creates his/her own fork.

Creating a fork is really easy, just navigate to:
and push the button "Fork".

This will create a fork in your userspace on GitHub.

Clone locally

To clone locally you can execute on the command line:

git clone

NOTE: in case you already cloned idempiere from the official repository, instead of doing a full clone again you can go to your cloned folder and execute:

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin

Then set the original idempiere as the upstream

git remote add upstream
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master

You can verify that you have the correct setup with

git remote -v

and you should see similar output to what I've below:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

And now proceed to configure your development environment as explained in Installing iDempiere

Asking for a pull request

Sync with upstream

You must always ensure that your clone is in sync with the master repository:

git checkout master
git pull upstream master
# here is usually a good practice to execute
# bash
# to keep your local database in sync with the code
git push origin master

Create feature branch

Every commit must be done in a feature branch created for the specific ticket, please never use master or a release branch to commit:

Create a feature branch for the JIRA ticket you're solving:

git checkout -b IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number)

Develop or integrate a patch

Then you can do the changes or integrate patch being peer-reviewed.

The usual ways to apply patches are:

  • normal patch format (f.e. coming from mercurial)
git apply (patch-file)
  • patches in git format are normally created using the instruction "git format-patch -1 --stdout (commit) > (patch-file)", these patches can be imported using:
git am --keep-cr (patch-file)


You must always ensure you conducted tests before committing, never commit untested code (seriously, your reputation suffers).

Test your changes, and even more important, always check for collaterals of the code you changed, figure out other use cases affected and test them too!


When all tests are OK add the changed files to stage

git add .
git commit

About the commit message:

  • use one of your GitHub registered emails
    • git note: you can setup your default user and email using git config --global and git config --global
  • the commit message MUST contain the IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number)

JIRA Smart Commits

We have setup JIRA Smart Commits, so you can give some instructions to JIRA in the commit message, for example:

  • #resolve -> if your commit resolves completely the JIRA ticket
  • #comment -> you can add a final comment to the ticket adding #comment (your-final-comment-for-ticket)

TIP about message

You can setup the default commit message to avoid forgetting to add the required information:

echo '# IDEMPIERE-???? [Ticket Description] #resolve #comment [Comment]' > ~/.gitmessage
git config --global commit.template ~/.gitmessage


Now push your commit to your own fork:

git push

If it doesn't work try

git push origin IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number) [your branch]

Pull request

And then navigate in your browser to the URL indicated in the console output, it usually has the form:

To allow easy navigation from the pull request to the JIRA ticket, as the first line of the pull request message we add the link to the JIRA ticket.
NOTE: this is an option that github allows to do automatically just on paid accounts, not provided for the free accounts on open source projects, so, we do it "manually".

Write a proper message there, explaining the impact of the changes, the tests conducted for your use case and other use cases affected.
The more information about the impact and how to test, the easier will be for the peer reviewer to accept the change.
And then submit the request pushing the button "Create pull request".

Changing a pull request

Adding more commits

In case the peer reviewer request changes on the pull request, you can simply do the changes and push the new commits to your repository, github will automatically update the pull request accordingly.

git checkout -b IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number)
# do the changes to code, scripts, etc
# git add [files_or_folders] -> to add new files or folders, or change existing files
# git rm [files_or_folders] -> to delete files or folders
git commit
git push

Editing the commit message

The commit message must always contain the JIRA ticket that solves it (and also it can use smart commit message to solve it automatically, in case you're requested to modify the commit message to follow this rules, you can use the next commands to edit the message of the last commit (there is a possibility to edit older commit messages, this instruction is just for the latest):

git checkout -b IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number)
git commit --amend
git push --force-with-lease

Approving a pull request

Our workflow is configured to require at least 1 approval from a core developer (different than the requester).

The reviewer can visit the link of the pull request, and follow the instructions there if it is a small commit, a code peer review maybe is enough, if it is a big change, is better to conduct local tests, there are instructions in GitHub about how to test locally the pull request.

In this process, the pull request can be approved, commented requesting changes, or rejected.

After approval

The core developer approving the commit usually pushes the button "Squash and merge" to integrate the code into the official master.

After that you can pull the changes again from the upstream:

git checkout master
git pull upstream master

Push the change to your fork:

git push origin master

And delete your temporary feature branch locally:

git branch -d IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number)

And delete your temporary feature branch on the remote repository (NOTE this is not required if you your repository setting "Automatically delete head branches" is set to true):

git push origin --delete IDEMPIERE-(Jira-ticket-number)

And finally, resolve the JIRA ticket if the development is complete (this step is not required if you used smart commit message as explained above). In this step we usually assign the "Fix Version" to the version running in master.


if your local working directory have changes that you need to temporarily put aside, git stash is a very useful tool for that.

Avoid committing to master

To avoid committing by mistake to the master branch you can create the file .git/hooks/pre-commit with the following content:

branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
if [ "$branch" = "master" ]; then
  echo "You can't commit directly to master branch"
  exit 1

And then make the file executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit


Summarizing, this is how a commit travels between repositories:

  • local: push to origin feature branch
  • github: pull request to the upstream master
  • github: approve
  • github: merge to upstream master
  • local: pull it back from upstream
  • local: push back to your origin master
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