Development experimental
Debug library
In idempiere, we has two category of library.
1. library in project (visible library)
2. library in target-platform (invisible library)
with category 1 it's easy to debug. only attach source and take a break point.
with category 2, we can't see library in "package navigate" because can't attach source also take a break point.
before i use a tip. start from visible library and step into invisible library.
but it's hard work and i can attach source run line by line, see value in variable view but can't take a break poin.
with a good keyword i catch solution at Eclipse - How to open and set breakpoints in code attached to the target platform plugins
Bonus how to view running info
Unable to compile conditional breakpoint - missing Java project context
When i set a breakpoint on jetty library, it work well.
but when i setup a condition expression, it said "Unable to compile conditional breakpoint - missing Java project context"
someone said about it here: [1][2]
for me to resolved it i do bellow setting:
go "preference/plug-in development" choose option "Include all plug-ins" from target in java search