Bndtools Port
From iDempiere en
Developer: Hengsin
Replace the use of Eclipse PDE, Maven Tycho and Eclipse p2 with Bndtools.
This is not 100% backward compatible and as it is, there's no plan to replace current master branch with this.
- Check out the bndtools branch from
- git clone -b bndtools for master branch
- git clone -b bndtools-r12 for release-12 branch
- Prepare for import to your IDE (Creating and storing wrapper bundles in the local repository)
- ./gradlew :idempiere.wrapped:build
Eclipse Setup
- Download and install Eclipse JEE 2024-06 and above
- Install Bndtools 7.1.0 using Eclipse Marketplace
- Select cloned iDempiere source above as workspace
- File > Import > Bndtools > Existing Bnd Workspace
- To Setup iDempiere
- Open
- Select Run or Debug
- To Run iDempiere Server
- Open org.adempiere.server/idempiere.server.bndrun
- Select Run or Debug
Intellij Setup
- Download and install intellij 2024.3.1.1
- Download and install Amdatu 4.6.0 snapshot from (Plugins... > Install Plugin from Disk...)
- New Project > Amdatu, select cloned iDempiere source above > Create
- Select Skip in the Load Gradle Project popup. If you have selected Load Gradle Project, you would have to close the project, remove idempiere/.idea and start from the New Project step above again.
- File > Project Structure, SDK > select JDK21, Language Level 17 (intellij 2024.3.1.1 require jdk21 and above)
- To Setup iDempiere
- Open
- Right Click > Select Run or Debug
- To Run iDempiere Server
- Open org.adempiere.server/idempiere.server.bndrun
- Right Click > Select Run or Debug
- If you haven't yet configured your IDE, most projects won't build automatically. You need to build by run the following command
- ./gradlew build
- Create distribution archive
- ./gradlew createDistributions
- The command above will create idempiere/distributions/idempiere-server-12.v<GMT timestamp>.zip
- Extract idempiere-server-12.v<GMT timestamp>.zip to a folder
- To Setup iDempiere
- Run idempiere-server/
- To Run iDempiere Server
- Run idempiere-server/
- To install plugin
- Use OSGi console or Felix Web Console
Update Existing Instance
- Rename folder of existing instance
- Extract a new copy of idempiere-server-12.v<GMT timestamp>.zip
- Copy the following files from the renamed instance:
- bundle-cache
- jettyhome/etc
- .idpass
- utils/
- utils/
- utils/
- PostgreSQL or Oracle (Depends on whether this is a PostgreSQL or Oracle instance)