Aging (Report ID-238)

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Report: Aging

Description: Aging Report

Help: The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. If you select a currency, you get only invoices of that currency. If you fill the "Convert Amounts in Currency", all amounts will be converted in that currency. If you do not select a Statement Date, the system date is used to calculate the buckets. If you do not list the individual invoices, the Due Date is the earliest due date for the business partner and the Due Days are the average due days of all invoices.

If you select an Account Date the report will generate the Aging as of that date. The report will exclude documents after the selected date.

For example: A customer has one invoice for 00 with the Account Date of 03/31/08 and one payment for 00 with the Account Date of 05/01/08. The report will show the following balances based on the Account Date selected: 03/15/08= 0; 04/15/08=100; 05/15/08 = 0.

Aging - Report (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Report Parameters
Name Description Help Technical Data
Statement date Date of the statement The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. StatementDate
Account Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion. DateAcct
Sales Transaction This is a Sales Transaction The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. IsSOTrx
Currency The Currency for this record Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record C_Currency_ID
Table Direct
Convert Amounts in Currency ConvertAmountsInCurrency_ID
Business Partner Group Business Partner Group The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. C_BP_Group_ID
Table Direct
Organization Organizational entity within tenant An organization is a unit of your tenant or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
Table Direct
Business Partner Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID
List Invoices Include List of Invoices IsListInvoices

Contributions / Posts

Columns in T_Aging:

InvoicedAmt Invoiced C_Invoice.GrandTotal, all invoiced
OpenAmt Invoiced - Paid OpenAmt, something like GrandTotal - Paid (according C_AllocationLine)
DueDate Due Date max(DueDate)
DaysDue Days Due avg(DaysDue), DaysDue negative if the account is not overdue
Fields for Projection
DueAmt Without overdue sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= 0
Due0 Due Today sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue = 0
Due0_7 Due this week including today sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -7 and 0
Due0_30 Due this month sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -30 and 0
Due1_7 Due this week not including today sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -7 and -1
Due8_30 Due between next 8-30 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -30 and -8

Due between next 31-60 days (next month)

sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -60 and -31
Due31_Plus Due after 30 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= -31
Due61_90 Due between next 61-90 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between -90 and -61
Due61_Plus Due after 60 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= -61
Due91_Plus Due after 90 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue <= -91
Fields for Aging
PastDueAmt All OverDue sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue > 0
PastDue1_7 Overdue last week sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 1 and 7
PastDue1_30 Overdue between 1 - 30 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 1 and 30
PastDue8_30 Overdue between 8 - 30 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 8 and 30
PastDue31_60 Overdue between 31-60 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 31 and 60
PastDue31_Plus Overdue greater 30 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue >= 31
PastDue61_90 Overdue between 61-90 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue between 61 and 90
PastDue61_Plus Overdue greater 60 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue >= 61
PastDue91_Plus Overdue greater 90 days sum(OpenAmt) where DaysDue >= 91
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