Import Product (pencere ID-247)

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pencere: Import Product

tanım: Import Products

Yardım: The Import Products Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records.

TAB: Import Product

tanım: Import Products

Yardım Before importing, Adempiere checks the Unit of Measure (default if not set), the Product Category (default if not set), the Business Partner, the Currency (defaults to accounting currency if not set), the Product Type (only Items and Services), the uniqueness of UPC, Key and uniqueness and existence of the Vendor Product No.
Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import.

Dosya:Import Product - Import Product - pencere (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

isim isim tanım Yardım Özellikler
Import Product Import Product Import Item or Service null I_Product_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Imported Imported Has this import been processed The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. I_IsImported
character(1) NOT NULL
Product Product Product, Service, Item Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. M_Product_ID
Table Direct
Import Error Message Import Error Message Messages generated from import process The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. I_ErrorMsg
character varying(2000)
Client İstemci Client/Tenant for this installation. İstemci bir firma veya legal bir kurulustur. Verileri İstemciler arasında paylasilmaz. Mutasarruf ise İstemci ile aynı anlama gelmektedir. AD_Client_ID
Table Direct
Organization Organizasyon Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
Table Direct
Search Key Search Key Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(40)
Name İsim Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(255)
Description Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Document Note Document Note Additional information for a Document The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. DocumentNote
character varying(2000)
Comment/Help Comment/Help Comment or Hint The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. Help
character varying(2000)
UPC/EAN UPC/EAN Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) UPC
character varying(30)
SKU SKU Stock Keeping Unit The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. SKU
character varying(30)
UOM Code UOM Code UOM EDI X12 Code The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) X12DE355
character varying(4)
UOM UOM Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique non monetary Unit of Measure C_UOM_ID
Table Direct
Product Category Key Product Category Key null null ProductCategory_Value
character varying(40)
Product Category Ürün Kategorisi Ürünün Kategorisi Identifies the category which this product belongs to. Product categories are used for pricing and selection. M_Product_Category_ID
Table Direct
Product Type Product Type Type of product The type of product also determines accounting consequences. ProductType
Classification Classification Classification for grouping The Classification can be used to optionally group products. Classification
Volume Volume Volume of a product The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client Volume
Weight Weight Weight of a product The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client Weight
Shelf Width Shelf Width Shelf width required The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product ShelfWidth
Shelf Height Raf Yüksekliği Shelf height required The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product ShelfHeight
Shelf Depth Raf Derinliği Shelf depth required The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product ShelfDepth
Units Per Pallet Units Per Pallet Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. UnitsPerPallet
Discontinued Discontinued This product is no longer available The Discontinued check box indicates a product that has been discontinued. Discontinued
Discontinued At Discontinued At Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued null DiscontinuedAt
timestamp without time zone
Image URL Image URL URL of image URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. ImageURL
character varying(120)
Description URL Description URL URL for the description null DescriptionURL
character varying(120)
Business Partner Key Business Partner Key The Key of the Business Partner null BPartner_Value
character varying(40)
Business Partner Business Partner Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID
ISO Currency Code ISO Currency Code Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency For details - ISO_Code
Currency Para birimi The Currency for this record Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record C_Currency_ID
Table Direct
List Price List Price List Price The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. PriceList
PO Price PO Price Price based on a purchase order The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. PricePO
Standard Price Standard Price Standard Price The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list PriceStd
Limit Price Limit Price Lowest price for a product The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. PriceLimit
Royalty Amount Royalty Amount (Included) Amount for copyright, etc. null RoyaltyAmt
Price effective Price effective Effective Date of Price The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. PriceEffective
timestamp without time zone
Partner Product Key Partner Product Key Product Key of the Business Partner The Business Partner Product Key identifies the number used by the Business Partner for this product. It can be printed on orders and invoices when you include the Product Key in the print format. VendorProductNo
character varying(40)
Partner Category Partner Category Product Category of the Business Partner The Business Partner Category identifies the category used by the Business Partner for this product. VendorCategory
character varying(30)
Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer of the Product The manufacturer of the Product (used if different from the Business Partner / Vendor) Manufacturer
character varying(30)
Minimum Order Qty Minimum Order Qty Minimum order quantity in UOM The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. Order_Min
Order Pack Qty Order Pack Qty Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units) The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. Order_Pack
Cost per Order Cost per Order Fixed Cost Per Order The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. CostPerOrder
Promised Delivery Time Promised Delivery Time Promised days between order and delivery The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. DeliveryTime_Promised
Import Products Import Products Imports products from a file into the application Import Products will bring a file of products, in a predefined format into the application.

The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.

If you select an existing price list and you have List, Standard, and Limit Price defined, they are directly created/updated.

Processed Processed The document has been processed The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. Processed

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