Server Setup Help

From iDempiere en


Java Home: select the JRE/JDK Java Home location (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64).


iDempiere Home: is the base directory where the distribution files are located (e.g. /opt/idempiere-server).

KeyStore Password: iDempiere requires a SSL certificate. It automatically creates a certificate in the key store $IDEMPIERE_HOME/jettyhome/etc/keystore with the keystore password entered.

The self certified certificate created has the alias idempiere and uses the same password as the keystore.

You can replace the certificate used with the Java "keytool" (see Java tool documentation).

Application Server

Application Server: is the name, URL or IP of your server PC. The Application Server defaults to, normally this default is OK

Web Port: The port where jetty attends http requests, defaults to 8080 Must be an unused port, please note some oracle installations can use this port and you would need to use a different one.

SSL: The port where jetty attends https requests, defaults to 8443

Please keep in mind that under Linux/Unix ports under 1000 need root privileges. It is recommended to use apache/nginx as a front end for ports 80 and 443, and configure it as a proxy for the iDempiere server.

Database Server

DB Already Exists: This flag is to indicate if the database already exists (it was imported previously), or is intended to be created later using the iDempiere tools.

Database Server: The Database Server defaults to localhost. If your database is located in a different server, then it must point to where the database is located.

Database Type: select the database you have installed (Oracle or PostgreSQL).

Database Name:

  • PosgreSQL: PostgreSQL database name
  • Oracle: SID/Service name - Oracle 11g/12c normally uses orcl, and OracleXE defaults to xe

Database Port: select the port for connect to database.(e.g. Oracle use 1521 as standard port, PostgreSQL 5432, etc.)

DB Admin Password:

  • Oracle: Password for the system user.
  • PostgreSQL: Password for the postgres user.

Database User: The application database user name, default is adempiere. Note in Oracle this is the schema name, while in PostgreSQL usually you can just use the default adempiere.

Database Password: The application database password, default is adempiere.

Mail Server

The EMail connection here is used as the default. You maintain the EMail connection in the Application on a Client basis.

It is not required that at this point.

If you don't want to enter or don't have an SMTP server, just leave the defaults (server localhost and the other fields empty).

If the server exists, but does not provide POP3, SMTP or IMAP, the setup finishes successfully. If the server is invalid, then fails.

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