Plugin: LBR Localization Brazil

From iDempiere en


This functionality (group of plugins) adds support to Brazilian legislation related to:

  • Individuals and legal entities control on Business Partner window, including CEP/ZIP (lookup address using online services);
  • Taxes on sales and purchases (one of the most complex in the world, with about 15 daily new laws);
  • Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (fiscal electronic document that should be generated when selling goods/services, and validated through government webservices);
  • Boletos (bank bill document) and CNAB (file used to communicate exchange billing information, payments, statements, direct debit, etc);
  • SPED (fiscal control);
  • And many other resources needed for the Brazilian companies.

Due to the complexity (about 312 java classes, 23000 code lines, dozens of postgres/oracle scripts) the project was split into plugins:

  • org.idempierelbr.core (base for Brazil; includes translation and basic columns/fields for general use);
  • (requires core plugin; resources for configuring automatic calculation of brazilian taxes);
  • (requires core and tax plugins; generate and validate Nota Fiscal Eletrônica);
  • org.idempierelbr.openitem (requires core plugin; specific brazilian changes in reports and open item windows);
  • (requires core and openitem plugins; generate Boleto document, and bank communications);
  • (requires core, openitem and bank plugins; each brazilian bank as a plugin so its easier to generate new Boleto documents);
  • org.idempierelbr.sped (requires core, tax and nf plugins; generates SPED, a brazilian fiscal control document).


Screenshot home.png Screenshot menu.png

Screenshot bpartner.png Screenshot product.png

Screenshot cep.png Screenshot TaxTransaction.png


Due the fact this is a specific brazilian localization, you can follow the project and get more information in portuguese through the link:

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