Plugin: Aladdin Magic Plugin

From iDempiere en


  • This is extended from Plugin:_Sample_Plugin to take further grunt work from everyone.
  • On the fly in-window scripting tools works like magic.
  • Short single line scripts assist to create many common ERP models.
  • Such as new or extend Windows, Fields, Master-Detail, Info-Windows and more.
  • Specify datatypes, reference, lists
  • Generate X and I classes, modelfactory and event controllers.
  • Get online translation to any window or tab on the fly.
  • Send changes easily to another setup via preset PackOut record.
  • Generate Process window with Process Java stub and plugin.xml snip and option to attach process to window toolbar.
  • Create Column Callout based on JSR223 on the fly!
  • Generate Workflow wizard on the fly!


  • Plugin:_Chart_Maker process window parameters was first created using the NewWindow to create the new columns elements quickly and then GenerateProcess includes them as parameters. Only need to code the logic in the process java stub and then move the new artifacts to a new Plugin:_Sample_Plugin and renamed as ChartMaker.

How To

  • Use Red1 Forum as guide.
  • The updated plugin from time to time now uses incremental 2Packs and therefore do not impact previous data set.
    • Just stop the old plugin and install any new one given in the SourceForge link.

If you want to provide additional comments, please use the Discussion page.

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