NF6.2 Inline HTML Field

From iDempiere en

Feature: Inline HTML Field

Goal: User Experience

Developers: Murilo Habermann Torquato, Le Quy Hiep, Carlos Ruiz


iDempiere allows now to define HTML fields that render HTML directly for user viewing.

To define a field to be HTML is easy, there is a new flag in the Table and Column window, Column:


This flag is visible just for fields with type String, Text and Text Long.

This is how the field is presented to the user:


When the user edits this field (using right click Edit or double click), the HTML CK Editor is shown automatically.

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-2310

Additional info: In addition to this, we can also take into account the HTML formatting of IDempiere in a jasper report.

To do this, you must specify in the jasper report that the field is in 'html'

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