NF2.1 InfoWindow Improvements
From iDempiere en
Feature: InfoWindow Improvements
Goal: Usability To make user more comfortable with info window
Description: 1. Add button reset to all infoWindow When clicked, it resets all criteria field to initial value.
- Where field has default value, it resets to default value
- Where field has a preference value it resets to preference value
- Where value of field init to a value (as "Price List Version" in produce info) it reset to this value.
- Others reset to a blank value
2. Add ability define "Default Logic" value for criteria field
same default logic field at standard window
3. Add is mandatory to criteria field
- Improvement as submitted at IDEMPIERE-1970.
- Info-Window data not only comes from a Table, it can also come from a View.
- Improvement as submitted at IDEMPIERE-1334.
- You can define a process run for group record, other process run for other group record.
- So, you have to set the mandatory parameter.
- You also can define display logic for process button by value input at criteria field.
- According to the filter at the group, only the suitable process button is displayed
Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-1378, IDEMPIERE-1792, IDEMPIERE-1972, IDEMPIERE-1973