NF1.0 SetupWizard

From iDempiere en

Feature: Setup Wizard

Goal: Usability

Sponsor: Trek Global


We want to extend the setup workflows to allow setting up more friendly setup wizards.

We create a window that drives the user in a configured setup process showing advance, pending tasks, etc.

The elements in the window are:

1. The user can write some notes

2. Go to the window related to do the configuration

3. A user that may be assigned to do a task

4. The task status

5. Refresh the information

6. Save

7. Go to the next task

8. Show or hide the total task

9. Show only the task related with the user logged.

10. Hide or Show Colors


  • When a task are in status (delayed, in-progress and pending ) the task highlight yellow.
  • When a task are in status (finished o skipped ) the task highlight Green .

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-393

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