NF1.0 GLJournal

From iDempiere en

Feature: Simplified GL Journal

Goal: Usability

Functional: Accounting

Contributor: Nicolas Micoud


  • You can now populate a GL Journal without using a batch (Batch Journal Window is still in use and not removed).
  • The Journal Line is simplified, where you can now enter just the GL Dimensions (i.e. account, business partner, product) and the combination will be created and used automatically
  • Alias list is added too, in case you have combinations with alias they can be accessed directly from this list
  • Import GL Journal is changed to allow simpler documents:
    • To create a batch you must include in the csv file the batch document number, or a line must be marked with create new batch - subsequent lines will use the same batch until a new create new batch header breaker is found (or conditions to create a new batch are applied).

NF001 UX GLJournal.png

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-344

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