Costing Recalculation Project Cloudempiere

From iDempiere en


our solution designed allow run on scheduler server, without any touch-intelligent way found when to re-calculate costing records. we have users with habit backdating and re-activating documents, which make quite huge issue with processing order. in worst case, we can run eg 1 month for all material transactions.


company period is definitely closed till 31.12.2022. jan, feb closed for document level, the users re-activate or backdating documents to feb 10. so the product cost issue known the scope, and a nightly scheduler convert them by process to product cost queue, take them delete facts, costing from feb 10 to now() then re-submit by accounting engine (invoked by costing recalculation process). the documents are posted sequentially based on view ordering by document processing date or regular document date.


- window product cost issue - collect by re-activation, backdating documents which are broke average - driven by event handler

- window product cost queue - when process running, able to collect products eg. all products, un-posted document products, product cost issues, can be extended, they are postgres procedures.

- process costing recalculation. this process when starting . First check period statuses when, closed or not document control closed, then exit. Load all products to hasmap, collect all related products from same documents, then uses rv_document_costing view to take all documents as input.


- date column: document date/docunent processing date

- schema

- Cost Queue Insert Type> none, all products, un-posted document products, product cost issues

some significant changes affect the core

- schema includes: inventory method: Only Costing (no facts), Periodic (no material facts), Perpetual (costing, accounting - this is legacy)

- we are calculating based on costing records instead of posting (because inventory method). this allow run costing in companies where no posting persisted.

- movementdate field added added to m_costdetail - used for calculate costamt to date

- we added m_transaction_id to m_costdetail_id - allow easier work (not sure required

- we also implement document close level allowing recalculate costing backward in running or previous not audited period.

- product without cost report: IMPORTANT. most of problems coming from this issue.

- report inventory valuation - improved for Average PO.

required changes (IMPORTANT)

- refactor costing and posting classes. atm our process has copy of costing recalculation

We have still lot of questions, mainly what is easier, make a complex costing documentation, make refactor in core, instead developing very complex recalculation process - however this solution is still LIFESAVER.

  1 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS rv_document_costing CASCADE;
  3CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW rv_document_costing
  5  ad_client_id,
  6  ad_org_id,
  7  created,
  8  updated,
  9  createdby,
 10  updatedby,
 11  isactive,
 12  issotrx,
 13  record_id,
 14  m_inout_id,
 15  c_order_id,
 16  c_invoice_id,
 17  qty,
 18  movementqty,
 19  m_product_id,
 20  c_uom_id,
 21  documentno,
 22  datedoc,
 23  processingdate,
 24  daysdiff,
 25  nextprocessingdate,
 26  m_attributesetinstance_id,
 27  m_movement_id,
 28  m_inventory_id,
 29  m_inoutline_id,
 30  c_orderline_id,
 31  c_invoiceline_id,
 32  m_matchinv_id,
 33  m_inventoryline_id,
 34  m_movementline_id,
 35  m_matchpo_id,
 36  m_productionline_id,
 37  ad_table_id,
 38  ad_table_line_id,
 39  amount,
 40  movementtype,
 41  processingorder,
 42  docbasetype,
 43  docsubtype,
 44  c_doctype_id,
 45  posted,
 46  backdated,
 47  docdatesseq,
 48  creatingseq,
 49  procdateseq,
 50  dbegbal_qty,
 51  dendbal_qty,
 52  cbegbal_qty,
 53  cendbal_qty,
 54  pbegbal_qty,
 55  pendbal_qty
 58 SELECT dcc.ad_client_id,
 59    dcc.ad_org_id,
 60    dcc.created,
 61    dcc.updated,
 62    dcc.createdby,
 63    dcc.updatedby,
 64    dcc.isactive,
 65    dcc.issotrx,
 66    dcc.record_id,
 67    dcc.m_inout_id,
 68    dcc.c_order_id,
 69    dcc.c_invoice_id,
 70    dcc.qty,
 71    dcc.movementqty,
 72    dcc.m_product_id,
 73    dcc.c_uom_id,
 74    dcc.documentno,
 75    dcc.datedoc,
 76    dcc.processingdate::timestamp without time zone AS processingdate,
 77    dcc.daysdiff,
 78    lead(dcc.processingdate::timestamp without time zone) OVER (PARTITION BY dcc.m_product_id ORDER BY dcc.procdateseq) AS nextprocessingdate,
 79    dcc.m_attributesetinstance_id,
 80    dcc.m_movement_id,
 81    dcc.m_inventory_id,
 82    dcc.m_inoutline_id,
 83    dcc.c_orderline_id,
 84    dcc.c_invoiceline_id,
 85    dcc.m_matchinv_id,
 86    dcc.m_inventoryline_id,
 87    dcc.m_movementline_id,
 88    dcc.m_matchpo_id,
 89    dcc.m_productionline_id,
 90    dcc.ad_table_id,
 91    dcc.ad_table_line_id,
 92    dcc.amount,
 93    dcc.movementtype,
 94    dcc.processingorder,
 95    dcc.docbasetype,
 96    dcc.docsubtype,
 97    dcc.c_doctype_id,
 98    dcc.posted,
 99    dcc.backdated,
100    dcc.docdatesseq,
101    dcc.creatingseq,
102    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dcc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dcc.processingdate::date), dcc.processingorder, dcc.record_id) AS procdateseq,
103    dcc.dbegbal_qty,
104    dcc.dendbal_qty,
105    dcc.cbegbal_qty,
106    dcc.cendbal_qty,
107    sum(dcc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dcc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dcc.processingdate::date), dcc.processingorder, dcc.record_id) - dcc.movementqty AS pbegbal_qty,
108    sum(dcc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dcc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dcc.processingdate::date), dcc.processingorder, dcc.record_id) AS pendbal_qty
109   FROM ( SELECT dcf.ad_client_id,
110            dcf.ad_org_id,
111            dcf.created,
112            dcf.updated,
113            dcf.createdby,
114            dcf.updatedby,
115            dcf.isactive,
116            dcf.issotrx,
117            dcf.record_id,
118            dcf.m_inout_id,
119            dcf.c_order_id,
120            dcf.c_invoice_id,
121            dcf.qty,
122            dcf.movementqty,
123            dcf.m_product_id,
124            dcf.c_uom_id,
125            dcf.documentno,
126            dcf.datedoc,
127                CASE
128                    WHEN dcf.pendbal_qty < 0::numeric THEN
129                    CASE
130                        WHEN lead(dcf.pendbal_qty) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq) >= 0::numeric THEN lead(dcf.processingdate) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq)
131                        WHEN lead(dcf.pendbal_qty, 2) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq) >= 0::numeric THEN lead(dcf.processingdate, 2) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq)
132                        WHEN lead(dcf.pendbal_qty, 3) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq) >= 0::numeric THEN lead(dcf.processingdate, 3) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq)
133                        WHEN lead(dcf.pendbal_qty, 4) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq) >= 0::numeric THEN lead(dcf.processingdate, 4) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq)
134                        WHEN lead(dcf.pendbal_qty, 5) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq) >= 0::numeric THEN lead(dcf.processingdate, 5) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq)
135                        ELSE lead(dcf.processingdate, 6) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq)
136                    END
137                    ELSE dcf.processingdate
138                END AS processingdate,
139            dcf.daysdiff,
140            lead(dcf.processingdate) OVER (PARTITION BY dcf.m_product_id ORDER BY dcf.procdateseq) AS nextprocessingdate,
141            dcf.m_attributesetinstance_id,
142            dcf.m_movement_id,
143            dcf.m_inventory_id,
144            dcf.m_inoutline_id,
145            dcf.c_orderline_id,
146            dcf.c_invoiceline_id,
147            dcf.m_matchinv_id,
148            dcf.m_inventoryline_id,
149            dcf.m_movementline_id,
150            dcf.m_matchpo_id,
151            dcf.m_productionline_id,
152            dcf.ad_table_id,
153            dcf.ad_table_line_id,
154            dcf.amount,
155            dcf.movementtype,
156            dcf.processingorder,
157            dcf.docbasetype,
158            dcf.docsubtype,
159            dcf.c_doctype_id,
160            dcf.posted,
161            dcf.backdated,
162            dcf.docdatesseq,
163            dcf.creatingseq,
164            dcf.procdateseq,
165            dcf.dbegbal_qty,
166            dcf.dendbal_qty,
167            dcf.cbegbal_qty,
168            dcf.cendbal_qty,
169            dcf.pendbal_qty
170           FROM ( SELECT dc.ad_client_id,
171                    dc.ad_org_id,
172                    dc.created,
173                    dc.updated,
174                    dc.createdby,
175                    dc.updatedby,
176                    dc.isactive,
177                    dc.issotrx,
178                    dc.record_id,
179                    dc.m_inout_id,
180                    dc.c_order_id,
181                    dc.c_invoice_id,
182                    dc.qty,
183                    dc.movementqty,
184                    dc.m_product_id,
185                    dc.c_uom_id,
186                    dc.documentno,
187                    dc.datedoc,
188                    dc.processingdate,
189                    dc.daysdiff,
190                    dc.m_attributesetinstance_id,
191                    dc.m_movement_id,
192                    dc.m_inventory_id,
193                    dc.m_inoutline_id,
194                    dc.c_orderline_id,
195                    dc.c_invoiceline_id,
196                    dc.m_matchinv_id,
197                    dc.m_inventoryline_id,
198                    dc.m_movementline_id,
199                    dc.m_matchpo_id,
200                    dc.m_productionline_id,
201                    dc.ad_table_id,
202                    dc.ad_table_line_id,
203                    dc.amount,
204                    dc.movementtype,
205                    dc.processingorder,
206                    dc.docbasetype,
207                    dc.docsubtype,
208                    dc.c_doctype_id,
209                    dc.posted,
210                    dc.backdated,
211                    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.datedoc::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) AS docdatesseq,
212                    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.created::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) AS creatingseq,
213                    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.processingdate::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) AS procdateseq,
214                    sum(dc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.created::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) - dc.movementqty AS cbegbal_qty,
215                    sum(dc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.created::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) AS cendbal_qty,
216                    sum(dc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.datedoc::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) AS dendbal_qty,
217                    sum(dc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.datedoc::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) - dc.movementqty AS dbegbal_qty,
218                    sum(dc.movementqty) OVER (PARTITION BY dc.m_product_id ORDER BY (dc.processingdate::date), dc.processingorder, dc.record_id) AS pendbal_qty
219                   FROM ( SELECT iol.ad_client_id,
220                            io.ad_org_id,
221                            io.created,
222                            io.updated,
223                            io.createdby,
224                            io.updatedby,
225                            io.isactive,
226                            io.issotrx,
227                            iol.m_inoutline_id AS record_id,
228                            iol.m_inout_id,
229                            0 AS c_order_id,
230                            0 AS c_invoice_id,
231                            iol.movementqty AS qty,
232                                CASE
233                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN iol.movementqty
234                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN iol.movementqty
235                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN iol.movementqty
236                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN iol.movementqty
237                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN - iol.movementqty
238                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN - iol.movementqty
239                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN - iol.movementqty
240                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN - iol.movementqty
241                                    ELSE iol.movementqty
242                                END AS movementqty,
243                            iol.m_product_id,
244                            iol.c_uom_id,
245                            io.documentno,
246                            io.movementdate AS datedoc,
247                                CASE
248                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN io.movementdate::timestamp with time zone
249                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN io.movementdate::timestamp with time zone
250                                    ELSE trunc(to_timestamp((io.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying)
251                                END AS processingdate,
252                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((io.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - io.movementdate::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
253                            iol.m_attributesetinstance_id,
254                            0 AS m_movement_id,
255                            0 AS m_inventory_id,
256                            iol.m_inoutline_id,
257                            0 AS c_orderline_id,
258                            0 AS c_invoiceline_id,
259                            0 AS m_matchinv_id,
260                            0 AS m_inventoryline_id,
261                            0 AS m_movementline_id,
262                            0 AS m_matchpo_id,
263                            0 AS m_productionline_id,
264                            319 AS ad_table_id,
265                            320 AS ad_table_line_id,
266                            0::numeric AS amount,
267                                CASE
268                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar THEN 'V+'::text
269                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar THEN 'V-'::text
270                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar THEN 'C-'::text
271                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar THEN 'C+'::text
272                                    ELSE NULL::text
273                                END AS movementtype,
274                                CASE
275                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN 10
276                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN 30
277                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN 60
278                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty >= 0::numeric THEN 100
279                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN 80
280                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMS'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN 110
281                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'Y'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN 130
282                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMR'::bpchar AND io.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND iol.movementqty < 0::numeric THEN 140
283                                    ELSE NULL::integer
284                                END AS processingorder,
285                            d.docbasetype,
286                            ''::text AS docsubtype,
287                            io.c_doctype_id,
288                            io.posted,
289                                CASE
290                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((io.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > io.movementdate::date THEN 'B'::text
291                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((io.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) < io.movementdate::date THEN 'F'::text
292                                    ELSE 'N'::text
293                                END AS backdated
294                           FROM m_inout io
295                             JOIN m_inoutline iol ON io.m_inout_id = iol.m_inout_id
296                             JOIN c_doctype d ON io.c_doctype_id = d.c_doctype_id
297                          WHERE (io.docstatus::text = ANY (ARRAY['CO'::text, 'CL'::text, 'RE'::text, 'VO'::text])) AND (d.docbasetype::text = ANY (ARRAY['MMR'::text, 'MMS'::text]))
298                        UNION ALL
299                         SELECT il.ad_client_id,
300                            il.ad_org_id,
301                            il.created,
302                            il.updated,
303                            il.createdby,
304                            il.updatedby,
305                            il.isactive,
306                            'Y'::character(1) AS issotrx,
307                            il.m_inventoryline_id AS record_id,
308                            0 AS m_inout_id,
309                            0 AS c_order_id,
310                            0 AS c_invoice_id,
311                                CASE
312                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text THEN il.qtycount - il.qtybook
313                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'CA'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse = 0::numeric THEN 0::numeric
314                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'IU'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse > 0::numeric THEN il.qtyinternaluse
315                                    ELSE NULL::numeric
316                                END AS qty,
317                                CASE
318                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text THEN il.qtycount - il.qtybook
319                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'CA'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse = 0::numeric THEN 0::numeric
320                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'IU'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse > 0::numeric THEN - il.qtyinternaluse
321                                    ELSE NULL::numeric
322                                END AS movementqty,
323                            il.m_product_id,
324                            p.c_uom_id,
325                            inv.documentno,
326                            inv.movementdate AS datedoc,
327                                CASE
328                                    WHEN inv.movementdate::date < inv.created::date AND il.qtyinternaluse > 0::numeric OR (il.qtycount - il.qtybook) < 0::numeric THEN inv.created::date
329                                    ELSE inv.movementdate::date
330                                END AS processingdate,
331                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((inv.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - inv.movementdate::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
332                            il.m_attributesetinstance_id,
333                            0 AS m_movement_id,
334                            inv.m_inventory_id,
335                            0 AS m_inoutline_id,
336                            0 AS c_orderline_id,
337                            0 AS c_invoiceline_id,
338                            0 AS m_matchinv_id,
339                            il.m_inventoryline_id,
340                            0 AS m_movementline_id,
341                            0 AS m_matchpo_id,
342                            0 AS m_productionline_id,
343                            321 AS ad_table_id,
344                            322 AS ad_table_line_id,
345                            il.newcostprice AS amount,
346                                CASE
347                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text AND (il.qtycount - il.qtybook) < 0::numeric THEN 'I-'::text
348                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text AND (il.qtycount - il.qtybook) >= 0::numeric THEN 'I+'::text
349                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'CA'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse = 0::numeric THEN 'I'::text
350                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'IU'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse > 0::numeric THEN 'I-'::text
351                                    ELSE NULL::text
352                                END AS movementtype,
353                                CASE
354                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text AND (il.qtycount - il.qtybook) >= 0::numeric THEN 25
355                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'CA'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse = 0::numeric THEN 20
356                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'IU'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse > 0::numeric THEN 150
357                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text AND (il.qtycount - il.qtybook) < 0::numeric THEN 160
358                                    ELSE NULL::integer
359                                END AS processingorder,
360                            d.docbasetype,
361                                CASE
362                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'PI'::text THEN 'Phys. Inv.'::text
363                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'CA'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse = 0::numeric THEN 'Cost Adjustment'::text
364                                    WHEN d.docsubtypeinv::text = 'IU'::text AND il.qtyinternaluse > 0::numeric THEN 'Int. Use'::text
365                                    ELSE NULL::text
366                                END AS docsubtype,
367                            inv.c_doctype_id,
368                            inv.posted,
369                                CASE
370                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((inv.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > inv.movementdate::date THEN 'B'::text
371                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((inv.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) < inv.movementdate::date THEN 'F'::text
372                                    ELSE 'N'::text
373                                END AS backdated
374                           FROM m_inventory inv
375                             JOIN m_inventoryline il ON il.m_inventory_id = inv.m_inventory_id
376                             JOIN c_doctype d ON inv.c_doctype_id = d.c_doctype_id
377                             JOIN m_product p ON il.m_product_id = p.m_product_id
378                          WHERE inv.docstatus::text = ANY (ARRAY['CO'::text, 'CL'::text, 'RE'::text, 'VO'::text])
379                        UNION ALL
380                         SELECT po.ad_client_id,
381                            po.ad_org_id,
382                            po.created,
383                            po.updated,
384                            po.createdby,
385                            po.updatedby,
386                            po.isactive,
387                            'N'::character(1) AS issotrx,
388                            po.m_matchpo_id AS record_id,
389                            0 AS m_inout_id,
390                            0::numeric AS c_order_id,
391                            0 AS c_invoice_id,
392                            po.qty,
393                            NULL::numeric AS movementqty,
394                            po.m_product_id,
395                            ol.c_uom_id,
396                            po.documentno,
397                            po.dateacct AS datedoc,
398                                CASE
399                                    WHEN po.qty > 0::numeric THEN po.dateacct::timestamp with time zone
400                                    ELSE trunc(to_timestamp((po.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying)
401                                END AS processingdate,
402                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((po.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - po.dateacct::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
403                            po.m_attributesetinstance_id,
404                            0 AS m_movement_id,
405                            0 AS m_inventory_id,
406                            0 AS m_inoutline_id,
407                            po.c_orderline_id,
408                            0 AS c_invoiceline_id,
409                            0 AS m_matchinv_id,
410                            0 AS m_inventoryline_id,
411                            0 AS m_movementline_id,
412                            po.m_matchpo_id,
413                            0 AS m_productionline_id,
414                            473 AS ad_table_id,
415                            473 AS ad_table_line_id,
416                            ol.priceentered AS amount,
417                            'MO'::text AS movementtype,
418                            5 AS processingorder,
419                            NULL::bpchar AS docbasetype,
420                            ''::text AS docsubtype,
421                            1001564::numeric AS c_doctype_id,
422                            po.posted,
423                                CASE
424                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((po.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > po.dateacct::date THEN 'B'::text
425                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((po.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) < po.dateacct::date THEN 'F'::text
426                                    ELSE 'N'::text
427                                END AS backdated
428                           FROM m_matchpo po
429                             LEFT JOIN c_orderline ol ON po.c_orderline_id = ol.c_orderline_id
430                        UNION ALL
431                         SELECT il.ad_client_id,
432                            il.ad_org_id,
433                            il.created,
434                            il.updated,
435                            il.createdby,
436                            il.updatedby,
437                            il.isactive,
438                            i.issotrx,
439                            lca.c_landedcostallocation_id AS record_id,
440                            0 AS m_inout_id,
441                            0 AS c_order_id,
442                            il.c_invoice_id,
443                            lca.qty,
444                            0 AS movementqty,
445                            lca.m_product_id,
446                            il.c_uom_id,
447                            i.documentno,
448                            i.dateinvoiced AS datedoc,
449                            trunc(to_timestamp((io2.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) AS processingdate,
450                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((io2.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - io2.movementdate::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
451                            lca.m_attributesetinstance_id,
452                            0 AS m_movement_id,
453                            0 AS m_inventory_id,
454                            0 AS m_inoutline_id,
455                            0 AS c_orderline_id,
456                            il.c_invoiceline_id,
457                            0 AS m_matchinv_id,
458                            0 AS m_inventoryline_id,
459                            0 AS m_movementline_id,
460                            0 AS m_matchpo_id,
461                            0 AS m_productionline_id,
462                            318 AS ad_table_id,
463                            333 AS ad_table_line_id,
464                            lca.amt AS amount,
465                            'L'::text AS movementtype,
466                            12 AS processingorder,
467                            d.docbasetype,
468                            ''::text AS docsubtype,
469                            i.c_doctype_id,
470                            i.posted,
471                                CASE
472                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((io2.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > i.dateacct::date THEN 'B'::text
473                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((io2.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) < i.dateacct::date THEN 'F'::text
474                                    ELSE 'N'::text
475                                END AS backdated
476                           FROM c_invoiceline il
477                             JOIN c_invoice i ON i.c_invoice_id = il.c_invoice_id AND i.issotrx = 'N'::bpchar AND (i.docstatus::text = ANY (ARRAY['CO'::text, 'CL'::text, 'RE'::text, 'VO'::text]))
478                             JOIN c_landedcostallocation lca ON lca.c_invoiceline_id = il.c_invoiceline_id
479                             JOIN c_doctype d ON d.c_doctype_id = i.c_doctype_id
480                             JOIN m_inoutline iol ON lca.m_inoutline_id = iol.m_inoutline_id
481                             JOIN m_inout io2 ON io2.m_inout_id = iol.m_inout_id
482                        UNION ALL
483                         SELECT mi.ad_client_id,
484                            mi.ad_org_id,
485                            mi.created,
486                            mi.updated,
487                            mi.createdby,
488                            mi.updatedby,
489                            mi.isactive,
490                            'N'::character(1) AS issotrx,
491                            mi.m_matchinv_id AS record_id,
492                            0 AS m_inout_id,
493                            0 AS c_order_id,
494                            0 AS c_invoice_id,
495                            mi.qty,
496                            NULL::numeric AS movementqty,
497                            mi.m_product_id,
498                            il.c_uom_id,
499                            mi.documentno,
500                            mi.dateacct AS datedoc,
501                            mi.dateacct::date AS processingdate,
502                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((mi.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - mi.dateacct::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
503                            mi.m_attributesetinstance_id,
504                            0 AS m_movement_id,
505                            0 AS m_inventory_id,
506                            0 AS m_inoutline_id,
507                            0 AS c_orderline_id,
508                            0 AS c_invoiceline_id,
509                            mi.m_matchinv_id,
510                            0 AS m_inventoryline_id,
511                            0 AS m_movementline_id,
512                            0 AS m_matchpo_id,
513                            0 AS m_productionline_id,
514                            472 AS ad_table_id,
515                            472 AS ad_table_line_id,
516                            il.priceentered AS amount,
517                            'MI'::text AS movementtype,
518                            13 AS processingorder,
519                            NULL::bpchar AS docbasetype,
520                            ''::text AS docsubtype,
521                            1001565::numeric AS c_doctype_id,
522                            mi.posted,
523                                CASE
524                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((mi.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > mi.dateacct::date THEN 'B'::text
525                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((mi.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > mi.dateacct::date THEN 'F'::text
526                                    ELSE 'N'::text
527                                END AS backdated
528                           FROM m_matchinv mi
529                             LEFT JOIN c_invoiceline il ON il.c_invoiceline_id = mi.c_invoiceline_id
530                        UNION ALL
531                         SELECT ml.ad_client_id,
532                            ml.ad_org_id,
533                            ml.created,
534                            ml.updated,
535                            ml.createdby,
536                            ml.updatedby,
537                            ml.isactive,
538                            'Y'::character(1) AS issotrx,
539                            ml.m_movementline_id AS record_id,
540                            0 AS m_inout_id,
541                            0 AS c_order_id,
542                            0 AS c_invoice_id,
543                            ml.movementqty AS qty,
544                            ml.movementqty,
545                            ml.m_product_id,
546                            NULL::numeric AS c_uom_id,
547                            m.documentno,
548                            m.movementdate AS datedoc,
549                            trunc(to_timestamp((m.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) AS processingdate,
550                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((m.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - m.movementdate::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
551                            ml.m_attributesetinstance_id,
552                            m.m_movement_id,
553                            0 AS m_inventory_id,
554                            0 AS m_inoutline_id,
555                            0 AS c_orderline_id,
556                            0 AS c_invoiceline_id,
557                            0 AS m_matchinv_id,
558                            0 AS m_inventoryline_id,
559                            ml.m_movementline_id,
560                            0 AS m_matchpo_id,
561                            0 AS m_productionline_id,
562                            323 AS ad_table_id,
563                            324 AS ad_table_line_id,
564                            NULL::numeric AS amount,
565                            'M-'::text AS movementtype,
566                            35 AS processingorder,
567                            d.docbasetype,
568                            ''::text AS docsubtype,
569                            m.c_doctype_id,
570                            m.posted,
571                                CASE
572                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((m.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) > m.movementdate::date THEN 'B'::text
573                                    WHEN trunc(to_timestamp((m.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) < m.movementdate::date THEN 'F'::text
574                                    ELSE 'N'::text
575                                END AS backdated
576                           FROM m_movementline ml
577                             JOIN m_movement m ON ml.m_movement_id = m.m_movement_id AND (m.docstatus::text = ANY (ARRAY['CO'::text, 'CL'::text, 'RE'::text, 'VO'::text]))
578                             JOIN c_doctype d ON m.c_doctype_id = d.c_doctype_id
579                          WHERE ml.movementqty > 0::numeric AND ml.locatororgmovetype = 'O'::bpchar
580                        UNION ALL
581                         SELECT pl.ad_client_id,
582                            pl.ad_org_id,
583                            pl.created,
584                            pl.updated,
585                            pl.createdby,
586                            pl.updatedby,
587                            pl.isactive,
588                            'Y'::character(1) AS issotrx,
589                            pl.m_productionline_id AS record_id,
590                            0 AS m_inout_id,
591                            0 AS c_order_id,
592                            0 AS c_invoice_id,
593                            pl.movementqty AS qty,
594                            pl.movementqty,
595                            pl.m_product_id,
596                            NULL::numeric AS c_uom_id,
597                            p.documentno,
598                            p.movementdate AS datedoc,
599                            trunc(to_timestamp((p.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) AS processingdate,
600                            to_char(trunc(to_timestamp((p.processedon / 1000::numeric)::double precision), 'DD'::character varying) - p.movementdate::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::text)::integer AS daysdiff,
601                            pl.m_attributesetinstance_id,
602                            0 AS m_movement_id,
603                            0 AS m_inventory_id,
604                            0 AS m_inoutline_id,
605                            0 AS c_orderline_id,
606                            0 AS c_invoiceline_id,
607                            0 AS m_matchinv_id,
608                            0 AS m_inventoryline_id,
609                            0 AS m_movementline_id,
610                            0 AS m_matchpo_id,
611                            pl.m_productionline_id,
612                            325 AS ad_table_id,
613                            326 AS ad_table_line_id,
614                            NULL::numeric AS amount,
615                                CASE
616                                    WHEN d.docbasetype = 'MMP'::bpchar AND pl.isendproduct = 'Y'::bpchar THEN 'P+'::text
617                                    ELSE 'P-'::text
618                                END AS movementtype,
619                            35 AS processingorder,
620                            NULL::bpchar AS docbasetype,
621                            ''::text AS docsubtype,
622                            1001565::numeric AS c_doctype_id,
623                            p.posted,
624                                CASE
625                                    WHEN trunc(p.created::date::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::character varying) > p.movementdate::date THEN 'B'::text
626                                    WHEN trunc(p.created::date::timestamp with time zone, 'DD'::character varying) < p.movementdate::date THEN 'F'::text
627                                    ELSE 'N'::text
628                                END AS backdated
629                           FROM m_productionline pl
630                             JOIN m_production p ON pl.m_production_id = p.m_production_id AND (p.docstatus::text = ANY (ARRAY['CO'::text, 'CL'::text, 'RE'::text, 'VO'::text]))
631                             JOIN c_doctype d ON p.c_doctype_id = d.c_doctype_id
632                          WHERE pl.movementqty <> 0::numeric) dc) dcf) dcc;
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