Auto build server with centos aws from scratch

From iDempiere en

have many guideline for build idempiere server. but sometime we still wrong with build a server. many reason for failure, miss step, do wrong step order, incorrect version,...

Sometime we also need re-build test environment, correct do step by step maybe make us crazy and worse time. I just collect it and contribute a bit effort to make a script complete auto build idempiere from source.

reference: 1. 2. 3.

how to use it?

1. you must have a server with centos install. i use a free tier aws of amazon, it's easy quick for reload os. you need a visa credit card for registry this service.

2. after load centos, remote ssh to server. you will stay at home folder of root.

3. copy script from to server by download it.

    curl -O
    when develope i use below method
    1. at console type vi
    2. type i to switch to insert mode
    3. copy content of script from above link and page to console

4. change some environment for best fit with you. by test i use value as below:

    + PATH_WORKING='/testscript'  almost things as source code, lib,... will go to /testscript

5. set permission for file with command chmod u+wxr 6. run script with command nohup ./

now. script auto install requirement package for idempiere, get source from reposition, make db, build source, make idempiere server, make idempiere service, run service,... just relax with favourite movie (it need time to get source), with support of nohup command, you can turn your teminal off. output will go to ~/nohup.log, check it when no success.


1. ssh to server.
2. curl -O
3. chmod u+wxr
4. nohup ./
5. close ssh.
6. sleeping and dreaming.


re-write with many improve. tested with centos6-centos7 (aws cloud) + before do a action, test condition, because you can re-run script many time. + runtime and build environment is separate, source and buckminster library download a time to main environment, each time build, main source is sync with remote server. and clone to build environment.

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