From iDempiere
Technical Specifications
- iDempiere runs under Java 6/7.
- It works with every operating system which runs a JavaSE runtime environment. Especially Linux, Windows, other Posix compatible Systems and MacOS.
- We use the OSGi] modularization framework.
- Within OSGi Tomcat provides the web server and servlet container layer.
Recommended IDE
- Eclipse is recommended, because it is based on osgi and Buckminster. Idempiere source code maintains as eclipse projects.
- Install MercurialEclipse plugin in eclipse to get development version
Databases supported
- PostgreSQL 8.4 to 9.3
- Oracle 10g/11g
User Interface
- The web user Interface uses the zk 6/7 ui framework
- The Desktop user Interface uses Java Swing
Build Process
- Repository with Mercurial
- Component Assembly Eclipse Buckminster (see buckminster)
- Automated Build tool: Eclipse Buckminster
- Continuous integration: Jenkins
Message Server
- ActiveMQ can be connected if needed
- Note: RabbitMQ used by smartpos plugin