Şablon:Performance Measurement Setup (İş Akışı ID-112 V1.0.0)

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İş Akışı: Performance Measurement Setup

tanım: Setup your Performance Measurement

Yardım: This workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecard, etc.

Most important: Do your analysis first! - What are your goals and how do you measure it?

When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: First you define how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. You have three ways measuring performance: - via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of $3 million in Q1) - via manual measures - via achievements (tasks)

The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure - or number of total and reached achievements)

Dosya:Performance Measurement Setup - İş Akışı (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

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