Import Penyata Bank (tetingkap ID-277)
Daripada iDempiere ms
tetingkap: Import Penyata Bank
Huraian: Import Bank Statements
Bantuan: null
TAB: Penyata Bank
Huraian: Import Penyata Bank
Bantuan null
Fail:Import Penyata Bank - Penyata Bank - tetingkap (iDempiere 1.0.0).png
Nama | Nama | Huraian | Bantuan | spesifikasi |
Active | Aktif | The record is active in the system | There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries. |
IsActive character(1) Yes-No |
Import Bank Statement | Import Penyata Bank | Import of the Bank Statement | null | I_BankStatement_ID numeric(10) NOT NULL ID |
Imported | Diimport | Has this import been processed | The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. | I_IsImported character(1) NOT NULL Yes-No |
Bank Statement | Penyata Bank | Bank Statement of account | The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred | C_BankStatement_ID numeric(10) Search |
Bank statement line | line Penyata Bank | Line on a statement from this Bank | The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. | C_BankStatementLine_ID numeric(10) Search |
Import Error Message | Import Pesanan Salah | Messages generated from import process | The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. | I_ErrorMsg character varying(2000) String |
Client | Klien | Klien/Pengguna untuk terjemahan ini | Klien/Penghuni adalah syarikat atau pihak yang sah. Anda tidak boleh berkongsi maklumat antara Klien. Penghuni adalah sama erti dengan Klien. | AD_Client_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Organization | Organisasi | Organizational entity within client | Organisasi adalah unit pelanggan atau entiti sah - contonnya kedai, Jabatan. Data boleh dikongsi antara organisasi. | AD_Org_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Name | Nama | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. | Name character varying(60) String |
Description | Perihal | Optional short description of the record | A description is limited to 255 characters. | Description character varying(255) String |
Routing No | No Routing | Bank Routing Number | The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. | RoutingNo character varying(20) String |
Bank Account No | No Akaun Bank | Bank Account Number | null | BankAccountNo character varying(20) String |
Bank Account | Akaun Bank | Account at the Bank | The Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank. | C_BankAccount_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Statement date | Tarikh Penyata | Date of the statement | The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. | StatementDate timestamp without time zone Date |
Line No | Nombor Garis | Unique line for this document | Indicates the unique line for a document. It will also control the display order of the lines within a document. | Line numeric(10) Integer |
Reference No | No Rujukan | Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site | The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. | ReferenceNo character varying(40) String |
Line Description | Penerangan Line | Description of the Line | null | LineDescription character varying(255) String |
Statement Line Date | Tarikh Line Penyata | Date of the Statement Line | null | StatementLineDate timestamp without time zone Date |
Account Date | Tarikh Akaun | Accounting Date | The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion. | DateAcct timestamp without time zone Date |
Effective date | Tarikh Efektif | Date when money is available | The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. | ValutaDate timestamp without time zone Date |
Reversal | Pembalikan | This is a reversing transaction | The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. | IsReversal character(1) Yes-No |
ISO Currency Code | Kod Matawang ISO | Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency | For details - | ISO_Code character(3) String |
Currency | Matawang | The Currency for this record | Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record | C_Currency_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Transaction Amount | Amaun Transaksi | Amount of a transaction | The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. | TrxAmt numeric Amount |
Statement amount | Amaun Penyata | Statement Amount | The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. | StmtAmt numeric Amount |
Charge Name | Nama Caj | Name of the Charge | null | ChargeName character varying(60) String |
Charge | Caj | Additional document charges | The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) | C_Charge_ID numeric(10) Table Direct |
Interest Amount | Amaun Faedah | Amaun Faedah | The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. | InterestAmt numeric Amount |
Charge amount | Amaun Caj | Charge Amount | The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. | ChargeAmt numeric Amount |
Memo | Nota | Memo Text | null | Memo character varying(255) String |
Business Partner Key | Kunci Rakan kongsi Niaga | Key of the Business Partner | null | BPartnerValue character varying(40) String |
Business Partner | Rakan Niaga | Identifies a Business Partner | A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson | C_BPartner_ID numeric(10) Search |
Invoice Document No | No Dokumen Invois | Document Number of the Invoice | null | InvoiceDocumentNo character varying(30) String |
Invoice | Invois | Invoice Identifier | The Invoice Document. | C_Invoice_ID numeric(10) Search |
Payment Document No | No Dokumen Pembayaran | Document number of the Payment | null | PaymentDocumentNo character varying(30) String |
Payment | Pembayaran | Payment identifier | The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. | C_Payment_ID numeric(10) Search |
Transaction Type | Jenis Transaksi | Type of credit card transaction | The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. | TrxType character varying(20) List |
Match Bank Statement | Match Bank Statement | Match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments | null | MatchStatement character(1) Button |
Import Bank Statement | Import Penyata Bank | Import Penyata Bank | The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. | Processing character(1) Button |
Create Payment | Cipta Pembayaran | Create Payment from Bank Statement Info | null | CreatePayment character(1) Button |
Processed | Diproses | The document has been processed | The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. | Processed character(1) Yes-No |
EFT Statement Reference | Rujukan Penyata EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference | Information from EFT media | EftStatementReference character varying(60) String |
EFT Statement Date | Tarikh Penyata EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date | Information from EFT media | EftStatementDate timestamp without time zone Date |
EFT Trx ID | EFT Trx ID | Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID | Information from EFT media | EftTrxID character varying(40) String |
EFT Trx Type | Jenis Trx EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type | Information from EFT media | EftTrxType character varying(20) String |
EFT Check No | No Cek EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Check No | Information from EFT media | EftCheckNo character varying(20) String |
EFT Reference | Rujukan EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Reference | Information from EFT media | EftReference character varying(60) String |
EFT Memo | Memo EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Memo | Information from EFT media | EftMemo character varying(2000) String |
EFT Payee | Pembayar EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information | Information from EFT media | EftPayee character varying(255) String |
EFT Payee Account | Akaun Pembayar EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Payee Account Information | Information from EFT media | EftPayeeAccount character varying(40) String |
EFT Statement Line Date | Tarikh Line Penyata EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date | Information from EFT media | EftStatementLineDate timestamp without time zone Date |
EFT Effective Date | Tarikh Efektif EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date | Information from EFT media | EftValutaDate timestamp without time zone Date |
EFT Currency | matawang EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Currency | Information from EFT media | EftCurrency character varying(20) String |
EFT Amount | Amaun EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer Amount | null | EftAmt numeric Amount |