Caj (tetingkap ID-161)

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tetingkap: Caj

Huraian: Maintain Charges

Bantuan: The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges.

TAB: Caj

Huraian: Caj

Bantuan The Charge Tab defines the unique charges that may be associated with a document. The optional Business Partner allows to create Purchase Orders from Requisitions.

Fail:Caj - Caj - tetingkap (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Nama Nama Huraian Bantuan spesifikasi
Client Klien Klien/Pengguna untuk terjemahan ini Klien/Penghuni adalah syarikat atau pihak yang sah. Anda tidak boleh berkongsi maklumat antara Klien. Penghuni adalah sama erti dengan Klien. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisasi Organizational entity within client Organisasi adalah unit pelanggan atau entiti sah - contonnya kedai, Jabatan. Data boleh dikongsi antara organisasi. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Name Nama Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Perihal Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Active Aktif The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Charge amount Amaun Caj Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. ChargeAmt
numeric NOT NULL
Tax Category Kategori Cukai Kategori Cukai The Tax Category provides a method of grouping similar taxes. For example, Sales Tax or Value Added Tax. C_TaxCategory_ID
Table Direct
Price includes Tax Harga termasuk Cukai Tax is included in the price The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. IsTaxIncluded
character(1) NOT NULL
Same Tax Cukai sama Use the same tax as the main transaction The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. IsSameTax
character(1) NOT NULL
Business Partner Rakan Niaga Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson C_BPartner_ID
Charge Type Charge Type null null C_ChargeType_ID
Table Direct

TAB: Translation

Huraian: Translation

Bantuan The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language.

Fail:Caj - Translation - tetingkap (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Nama Nama Huraian Bantuan spesifikasi
Client Klien Klien/Pengguna untuk terjemahan ini Klien/Penghuni adalah syarikat atau pihak yang sah. Anda tidak boleh berkongsi maklumat antara Klien. Penghuni adalah sama erti dengan Klien. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisasi Organizational entity within client Organisasi adalah unit pelanggan atau entiti sah - contonnya kedai, Jabatan. Data boleh dikongsi antara organisasi. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Charge Caj Additional document charges The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) C_Charge_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Language Bahasa Language for this entity The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting AD_Language
character varying(6) NOT NULL
Active Aktif The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Description Perihal Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Name Nama Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Translated Diterjemah This column is translated The Translated checkbox indicates if this column is translated. IsTranslated
character(1) NOT NULL

TAB: Akunting

Huraian: Charge Accounting

Bantuan The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges.

Fail:Caj - Akunting - tetingkap (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Nama Nama Huraian Bantuan spesifikasi
Client Klien Klien/Pengguna untuk terjemahan ini Klien/Penghuni adalah syarikat atau pihak yang sah. Anda tidak boleh berkongsi maklumat antara Klien. Penghuni adalah sama erti dengan Klien. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organisasi Organizational entity within client Organisasi adalah unit pelanggan atau entiti sah - contonnya kedai, Jabatan. Data boleh dikongsi antara organisasi. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Charge Caj Additional document charges The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) C_Charge_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Accounting Schema Skema Perakaunan Aturan-aturan akunting An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar C_AcctSchema_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Active Aktif The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Charge Account Biaya Beban Charge Expense Account The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. Ch_Expense_Acct
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Charge Revenue (Deprecated) Charge Revenue (Deprecated) Charge Revenue Account The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. Ch_Revenue_Acct

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