Crear reportes usando JasperReports
iDempiere tienen preconfigurado su propio formatos de remortes. Este formato puede ser muy util pues incluye caracteristicas como:
- Links a datos (pudede acceder a ventanas de iDempiere desde los reportes)
- Exportar a varios formatos (PDF, Excel etc)
- Las Columnas son configuradas desde el Diccionario de Aplicación.
- Etc
However, in some cases you might want to have bigger freedom to create any kind of report, this is especially true for documents that are external, such as customer invoices etc. To cater for the need of highly customizable reports, iDempiere can seamlessly integrate with reports made in the JasperReport format.
This page will contain more info but some important notes that are specific to iDempiere/JasperReports are the following:
- en:Making fonts available to your JasperReports
- Making resources such as images and language files available to your JasperReports
There is an online video demonstrating JasperReports on the fly via the combined power of OSGi to install a plugin without any setting and without turning off and restarting the server.