this query for report all movement of product in range time.
what thing you get after run it?
1. you must enter start_date, end_date, client_id
2. query all m_transaction record for product HAS TRANSACTION in start_date and end_date.
3. each product has below info:
+ first line for start balance info. it sum form first record to record at start_date.
+ each transaction between start_date and end_date, has info join from document table.
+ for end balance can archive by jasper report.
for test record please refer wiki:Jasper_Test_Sql
- you can extend it with add filter by product category, org, locator,...
also query plus price, code info
select as pro_name, pro.m_product_id, trans.movementdate as move_date, case when trans.movementdate is null then null when trans.m_inventoryline_id is not null then doc_inv.documentno when trans.m_movementline_id is not null then doc_move.documentno when trans.m_inoutline_id is not null then doc_inout.documentno when trans.m_productionline_id is not null then doc_pro.documentno else null end as doc_no, as cate_name, p_cate.m_product_category_id as cate_id, pro.value as pro_value, case when trans.movementdate is null then null when trans.m_inventoryline_id is not null then doc_inv.doc_name when trans.m_movementline_id is not null then doc_move.doc_name when trans.m_inoutline_id is not null then doc_inout.doc_name when trans.m_productionline_id is not null then doc_pro.doc_name else null end as doc_name, sum(trans.movementqty ) as movementqty , sum(case when trans.movementtype in ('I+','P+','V+','C+','W+','M+') then trans.movementqty else 0 end) as amout_in, sum(case when trans.movementtype in ('I-','P-','V-','C-','W-','M-') then -1 * trans.movementqty else 0 end) as amout_out, case when trans.movementdate is null then null when trans.m_inventoryline_id is not null then trans.m_inventoryline_id when trans.m_movementline_id is not null then trans.m_movementline_id when trans.m_inoutline_id is not null then trans.m_inoutline_id when trans.m_productionline_id is not null then trans.m_productionline_id else null end as line_id from (select AD_Org_ID, m_product_id, m_locator_id, case when movementdate< $P{StartDate} then null else movementdate END as movementdate, movementtype, movementqty, m_inventoryline_id, m_movementline_id, m_inoutline_id, m_productionline_id from m_transaction where movementdate<=$P{EndDate} and ad_client_id=$P{AD_CLIENT_ID} and m_product_id in (select DISTINCT m_product_id from m_transaction where movementdate>=$P{StartDate} and movementdate<=$P{EndDate} and ad_client_id=$P{AD_CLIENT_ID}) ) as trans INNER JOIN (SELECT m_product_category_id, m_product_id, value, name FROM m_product where m_product_id in (select DISTINCT m_product_id from m_transaction where movementdate>=$P{StartDate} and movementdate<=$P{EndDate} and ad_client_id=$P{AD_CLIENT_ID}) ) AS pro on trans.m_product_id=pro.m_product_id inner join m_product_category p_cate on pro.m_product_category_id=p_cate.m_product_category_id inner join m_locator kho on trans.m_locator_id=kho.m_locator_id inner join AD_Org bp on trans.AD_Org_ID=bp.AD_Org_ID left outer join (select m_inventoryline.m_inventoryline_id, m_inventory.movementdate, m_inventory.documentno, as doc_name from m_inventoryline inner join m_inventory on m_inventory.m_inventory_id = m_inventoryline.m_inventory_id inner join c_doctype on c_doctype.c_doctype_id = m_inventory.c_doctype_id ) as doc_inv on trans.m_inventoryline_id = doc_inv.m_inventoryline_id left outer join (select m_movementline.m_movementline_id, m_movement.movementdate, m_movement.documentno, as doc_name from m_movementline inner join m_movement on m_movement.m_movement_id = m_movementline.m_movement_id inner join c_doctype on c_doctype.c_doctype_id = m_movement.c_doctype_id ) as doc_move on trans.m_movementline_id = doc_move.m_movementline_id left outer join (select m_inoutline.m_inoutline_id, m_inout.movementdate, m_inout.documentno, as doc_name from m_inoutline inner join m_inout on m_inout.m_inout_id = m_inoutline.m_inout_id inner join c_doctype on c_doctype.c_doctype_id = m_inout.c_doctype_id ) as doc_inout on trans.m_inoutline_id = doc_inout.m_inoutline_id left outer join (select m_productionline.m_productionline_id, m_production.movementdate, m_production.documentno, 'production'::varchar as doc_name from m_productionline inner join m_production on m_production.m_production_id = m_productionline.m_production_id ) as doc_pro on trans.m_productionline_id = doc_pro.m_productionline_id Group By trans.movementdate,, p_cate.m_product_category_id,, pro.m_product_id, pro.value, case when trans.movementdate is null then null when trans.m_inventoryline_id is not null then trans.m_inventoryline_id when trans.m_movementline_id is not null then trans.m_movementline_id when trans.m_inoutline_id is not null then trans.m_inoutline_id when trans.m_productionline_id is not null then trans.m_productionline_id else null END, case when trans.movementdate is null then null when trans.m_inventoryline_id is not null then doc_inv.documentno when trans.m_movementline_id is not null then doc_move.documentno when trans.m_inoutline_id is not null then doc_inout.documentno when trans.m_productionline_id is not null then doc_pro.documentno else null end , case when trans.movementdate is null then null when trans.m_inventoryline_id is not null then doc_inv.doc_name when trans.m_movementline_id is not null then doc_move.doc_name when trans.m_inoutline_id is not null then doc_inout.doc_name when trans.m_productionline_id is not null then doc_pro.doc_name else null end ORDER BY, move_date NULLS first, doc_no