NF9 AD Resource Bundle For Jasper Report
From iDempiere en
(Redirected from NF9.1 AD Resource Bundle For Jasper Report)
Feature: AD_Message+AD_Element Resource Bundle for Jasper Report
Goal: Development
Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-4850
Description: Pass Resource Bundle backed by AD_Message and AD_Element as report parameter to Jasper Report.
- An implementation of Resource Bundle that's backed by AD_Message and AD_Element is pass to the Jasper Report using the standard Jasper Report parameter of JRParameter.REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE. If a resource bundle property file is deploy together with the Jasper Report file, that will took precedence over the AD_Message and AD_Element resources.
- In your Jasper Report, use the build in str function to get translated text from AD_Message or AD_Element (or property file if you have deploy one). For e.g, str("IsDefault")
- Note that this will not work when you preview using Jasper Report Studio. To get reasonable output at Jasper Report Studio, you can make use of conditional expression, for e.g: str("IsDefault") != null ? str("IsDefault") : "str(IsDefault)"
Tip for concatenation with a field:
(str("IsDefault") != null ? str("IsDefault") : "str(IsDefault)") + ": " + $F{IsDefaultField}