NF13 Override Workflow Responsible

From iDempiere en

NOTE: This is not yet integrated into core

Goal: Technical

Developer: Deepak Pansheriya

Feature Ticket: IDEMPIERE-6028


Workflow are normally defines at system tenant. Workflow node has way to specify workflow responsible. Workflow responsible give way to mak approver or action performer as either role, user assignee and normally tenant user or role are not accessible to select as system side configuration. So other than manual and invoker workflow responsible are not usable otherwise there is provision provided to configure this responsible at tenant level.

The goal of this feature is to allow client adming to define workflow responsible at tenat level. With this features flow will be as below. Let's assume that on purchase order Approval workflow, we want to make approver as workflow responsible which is configurablet at tenant level. So in multi tenant deployment each tenant can define either an user or a role as it's own approval responsible

  • Create a workflow responsible in system tenant. let's say we name it as "Purchase Order Approver". This responsible can define of any type
  • Assigne this workflow responsible on Approval node on purchase order approval workflow created.
  • Now in Garden world tenant create workflow responsible with name "Gardenword PO Approver" and on Override Responsible field select "Purchase Order Approver"

  • Now on this GW Purchase Order Approver workflow responsible record, On responsible type you can select any type and can select relevant role or user whom the task needs to assign.
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