NF1.0 SaveGridLayout

From iDempiere en
(Redirected from NF001 SaveGridLayout)

Feature: Configurable Grid Layout

Goal: Usability

Sponsor: Trek Global


As Dictionary

Implementors can now set configure a better disposition of the fields on grid layout per window, to achieve this two new configuration options where created on Field tab:

  • Show in Grid
  • Grid Sequence No

These can be configured directly per field:

NF001 UX SaveGridLayout01.png

Or as usual using the Grid Sequence Sort tab:

NF001 UX SaveGridLayout02.png

As User Preference

But even better, users can now save their own preferences per window on the grid layout, using the new Customize button:

NF001 UX SaveGridLayout03.png

Technical Info: IDEMPIERE-364

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