Queries: Invoices, Orders and Quotes
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select * from c_order a join c_orderline b on a.c_order_id = b.c_order_id where a.documentno='21686'; select a.documentno, b.line, b.qtyentered, b.pricelimit, b.priceentered, b.pricelist, b.priceactual, b.discount, b.pricelist - b.priceactual as discountAmt, b.linenetamt from c_order a join c_orderline b on a.c_order_id = b.c_order_id where a.documentno='24307' order by b.line; select a.c_order_id from c_order a where a.documentno='24307'; select a.ad_client_id, dt.name, count(*) from c_order a join c_orderline b on a.c_order_id = b.c_order_id join c_doctype dt on a.c_doctypetarget_id = dt.c_doctype_id group by a.ad_client_id, dt.name order by dt.name ;
With more detail
select a.ad_client_id, client.name as client_name, org.value as org_value, org.name as org_name, usr.name as user_createdby, bp.value as bp_value, bp.name as bp_name, dt.name as doctype_name, a.documentno, a.dateordered, a.docstatus, a.totallines, a.grandtotal, b.line, b.m_product_id, prod.name as productName, b.qtyentered, b.pricelimit, b.priceentered, b.pricelist, b.priceactual, b.discount, b.pricelist - b.priceactual as discountAmt, b.linenetamt, from c_order a left join c_orderline b on a.c_order_id = b.c_order_id left join ad_client client on client.ad_client_id = a.ad_client_id left join ad_org org on org.ad_org_id = a.ad_org_id left join c_doctype dt on a.c_doctype_id = dt.c_doctype_id left join m_product prod on prod.m_product_id = b.m_product_id left join c_bpartner bp on bp.c_bpartner_id = a.c_bpartner_id left join ad_user usr on usr.ad_user_id = a.createdby where a.ad_client_id > 111 and a.grandtotal = 0 and a.docstatus in ('CO', 'VO') and order by a.dateordered desc;
Invoice and tax
select b.c_invoice_id, b.c_invoiceline_id, a.documentno, a.totallines, a.grandtotal, a.istaxincluded, a.dateinvoiced, a.dateacct, a.docstatus, coalesce(a.c_doctype_id, a.c_doctypetarget_id) as c_doctype_id, b.qtyinvoiced,b.qtyentered, b.pricelist, b.priceactual, b.pricelimit, b.priceentered, b.linenetamt, b.linetotalamt, b.taxamt from c_invoice a join c_invoiceline b on a.c_invoice_id = b.c_invoice_id; where a.documentno='INW82785'; select * from c_invoicetax tax join c_invoice a on a.c_invoice_id = tax.c_invoice_id where a.documentno='INW82785'; select * from c_invoice a join c_invoiceline b on a.c_invoice_id = b.c_invoice_id where a.documentno='21686'; select a.ad_client_id, client.name, a.c_bpartner_id, b.value, b.name, a.issotrx, max(a.dateinvoiced), min(a.dateinvoiced), count(*) from c_invoice a join c_bpartner b on a.c_bpartner_id = b.c_bpartner_id join ad_client client on a.ad_client_id = client.ad_client_id group by a.ad_client_id, client.name, a.c_bpartner_id, b.value, b.name, a.issotrx order by a.ad_client_id, a.issotrx, count(*) desc;
Set invoice as paid (system error)
select ispaid, * from c_invoice where c_invoice_id = 1047724; select * into bk_20150630_c_invoice from c_invoice where c_invoice_id = 1047724; update c_invoice set ispaid = 'Y' where c_invoice_id = 1047724;
SELECT p.DateTrx,p.PayAmt,alp.Amount FROM C_AllocationLine ali INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr ah ON (ah.C_AllocationHdr_ID = ali.C_AllocationHdr_ID AND ah.DocStatus IN ('CO', 'CL')) INNER JOIN C_AllocationLine alp ON (alp.C_AllocationHdr_ID = ah.C_AllocationHdr_ID) INNER JOIN C_Payment p ON (p.C_Payment_ID= alp.C_Payment_ID AND p.DocStatus IN ('CO', 'CL')) WHERE ali.C_Invoice_ID = ? ORDER BY p.DateTrx DESC LIMIT 1
Discussion here
Credit:Anozi Mada
Link from POS Order to the invoice to the payment
select posorder.documentno, pmt.documentno from c_order posorder join c_invoice inv on inv.c_order_id = posorder.c_order_id join c_payment pmt on pmt.c_payment_id = inv.c_payment_id where posorder.documentno = '80014';