营销战役 (窗口 ID-149)

来自iDempiere zh

窗口: 营销战役

描述: 维护营销战役

幫助: The Marketing Campaign Window defines the start and end date for a campaign. It also gives a running balance of the invoice amounts which referred to this campaign.

TAB: 战役

描述: 营销战役

幫助 The Marketing Campaign Tab defines the parameters for a Campaign. These include a start and end date as well as the amount of any invoices that have been processed which reference this campaign.

File:营销战役 - 战役 - 窗口 (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

名稱 名稱 描述 幫助 產品規格
Campaign 战役 营销活动 The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. C_Campaign_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Client 客户 安装此软件的客户 客户是一个公司或者合法的实体。你不能在客户之间共享数据。 AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization 机构 客户内的机构实体。 An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Search Key 检索关键字 记录的检索关键字在格式上是必须的 -并且必须唯一 A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(40) NOT NULL
Name 名称 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description 描述 该记录的可选描述 描述最多为 255 个字符。 Description
character varying(255)
Active 有效 本记录有效 There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Summary Level 汇总级别 这是父类实体 A summary entity represents a branch in a tree rather than an end-node. Summary entities are used for reporting and do not have own values. IsSummary
character(1) NOT NULL
Channel 渠道 销售频道 The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. C_Channel_ID
Table Direct
Start Date 开始日期 First effective day (inclusive) The Start Date indicates the first or starting date of a range. StartDate
timestamp without time zone
End Date 结束日期 Last effective date (inclusive) The End Date indicates the last date in this range. EndDate
timestamp without time zone
Costs 成本 成本在帐户币种方面 The Costs indicates the cost of a campaign in an Organizations accounting currency. Costs
numeric NOT NULL

Contributions / Posts
