Importar Inventário (Janela ID-267)

Fonte: iDempiere pt

Janela: Importar Inventário

Descrição: Import Inventory Transactions

Ajudar: Validate and Import Inventory Transactions

TAB: Stocks

Descrição: Import Inventory

Ajudar Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.

A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. Ficheiro:Importar Inventário - Stocks - Janela (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Nome Nome Descrição Ajudar Especificações
Import Inventory Importar Inventário Import Inventory Transactions null I_Inventory_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Imported Importado Has this import been processed The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. I_IsImported
character(1) NOT NULL
Phys.Inventory Inventário Físico Parameters for a Physical Inventory The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. M_Inventory_ID
Phys.Inventory Line Inventário Físico, Linha Unique line in an Inventory document The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction M_InventoryLine_ID
Import Error Message Mensagens da Importação Messages generated from import process The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. I_ErrorMsg
character varying(2000)
Client Empresa A Empresa instalada neste sistema. A Empresa é a sociedade, grupo empresarial ou qualquer outra entidade legal instalada neste sistema. Não é possivel partilhar dados entre Empresas. AD_Client_ID
Table Direct
Organization Organismo Unidade organizacional componente da Empresa A estrutura é uma das unidades organizacionais que constituem a Empresa, estas entidades podem ter figura juridica ou serem meras abstracções de um modelo de organização empresarial. Como exemplos podemos citar o sector, departamento, armazem, loja ou empresa associada. É possivél e normal partilhar dados entre estruturas. AD_Org_ID
Table Direct
Document Type Name Nome tipo documento Name of the Document Type null DocTypeName
character varying(60)
Document Type Tipo documento Document type or rules The Document Type determines document sequence and processing rules C_DocType_ID
Table Direct
Movement Date Movimento, Data Date a product was moved in or out of inventory The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. MovementDate
timestamp without time zone
Warehouse Key Codigo Armazém Key of the Warehouse Key to identify the Warehouse WarehouseValue
character varying(40)
Aisle (X) Eixo (X) X dimension, e.g., Aisle The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. X
character varying(60)
Bin (Y) Local (Y) Y dimension, e.g., Bin The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in Y
character varying(60)
Level (Z) Nível (Z) Z dimension, e.g., Level The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. Z
character varying(60)
Locator Key Codigo Local Key of the Warehouse Locator null LocatorValue
character varying(40)
Locator Local Warehouse Locator The Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. M_Locator_ID
Table Direct
Search Key Codigo para Selecção Codigo principal para selecção de registos - deve ser unico A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

character varying(40)
UPC/EAN Código UPC/EAN Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) UPC
character varying(30)
Product Artigo Product, Service, Item Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. M_Product_ID
Lot No N.º Lote Lot number (alphanumeric) The Lot Number indicates the specific lot that a product was part of. Lot
character varying(20)
Serial No N.º Série Product Serial Number The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. SerNo
character varying(20)
Quantity book Quantidade Inventário Book Quantity The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory QtyBook
Quantity count Contagem Qtd. Counted Quantity The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory QtyCount
Internal Use Qty Internal Use Qty Internal Use Quantity removed from Inventory Quantity of product inventory used internally (positive if taken out - negative if returned) QtyInternalUse
Charge Name Encargos, Nome Name of the Charge null ChargeName
character varying(60)
Charge Encargos Additional document charges The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) C_Charge_ID
Table Direct
Description Descrição Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Current Cost Price Preço de Custo Actual The currently used cost price null CurrentCostPrice
Import Inventory Importar Inventario Import Physical Inventory The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. Processing

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