Alert (Venster ID-276)

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Venster: Alert

Beschrijving: Adempiere Alert

Help: Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of

TAB: Alert

Beschrijving: Adempiere Alert

Help Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of.

Bestand:Alert - Alert - Venster (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Naam Naam Beschrijving Help Specificaties
Client Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Name Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Description Beschrijving Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description
character varying(255)
Comment/Help Comment/Help Comment or Hint The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. Help
character varying(2000)
Active Actief The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Valid Valid Element is valid The element passed the validation check IsValid
character(1) NOT NULL
Alert Processor Alert Processor Alert Processor/Server Parameter Alert Processor/Server Parameter AD_AlertProcessor_ID
Table Direct
Enforce Client Security Enforce Client Security Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows null EnforceClientSecurity
character(1) NOT NULL
Enforce Role Security Enforce Role Security Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows null EnforceRoleSecurity
character(1) NOT NULL
Alert Subject Alert Subject Subject of the Alert The subject of the email message sent for the alert AlertSubject
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Alert Message Alert Message Message of the Alert The message of the email sent for the alert AlertMessage
character varying(2000) NOT NULL

TAB: Alert Rule

Beschrijving: Definition of the alert element

Help The definition of the altert or action

Bestand:Alert - Alert Rule - Venster (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Naam Naam Beschrijving Help Specificaties
Client Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Alert Alert Adempiere Alert Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of AD_Alert_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Name Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name
character varying(60) NOT NULL
Active Actief The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
Valid Valid Element is valid The element passed the validation check IsValid
character(1) NOT NULL
Error Msg Error Msg null null ErrorMsg
character varying(2000)
Pre Processing Pre Processing Process SQL before executing the query Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement PreProcessing
character varying(2000)
Sql SELECT Sql SELECT SQL SELECT clause The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. Do not include the SELECT itself. SelectClause
character varying(2000) NOT NULL
Table Tabel Database Table information The Database Table provides the information of the table definition AD_Table_ID
Table Direct
Sql FROM Sql FROM SQL FROM clause The Select Clause indicates the SQL FROM clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. It can have JOIN clauses. Do not include the FROM itself. FromClause
character varying(2000) NOT NULL
Sql WHERE Sql WHERE Fully qualified SQL WHERE clause The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname". WhereClause
character varying(2000)
Other SQL Clause Other SQL Clause Other SQL Clause Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. OtherClause
character varying(2000)
Post Processing Post Processing Process SQL after executing the query Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement PostProcessing
character varying(2000)

TAB: Alert Recipient

Beschrijving: Recipient of the Alert Notification

Help You can send the notifications to users or roles

Bestand:Alert - Alert Recipient - Venster (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Naam Naam Beschrijving Help Specificaties
Alert Recipient Alert Recipient Recipient of the Alert Notification You can send the notifications to users or roles AD_AlertRecipient_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Client Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Organization Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Alert Alert Adempiere Alert Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of AD_Alert_ID
numeric(10) NOT NULL
Table Direct
Active Actief The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

character(1) NOT NULL
User/Contact User/Contact User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact AD_User_ID
Role Role Responsibility Role The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. AD_Role_ID
Table Direct

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