Fact details
This view can assist in the reconciliation of facts, or as the basis of a Jasper financial report.
Base view
drop view if exists zz_scratch_factacct; -- cascade; create or replace view zz_scratch_factacct as SELECT fa.ad_client_id, fa.ad_org_id, eval.accounttype, eval.value, eval.name, fa.dateacct, (COALESCE(fa.amtacctdr, (0)::numeric) - COALESCE(fa.amtacctcr, (0)::numeric)) AS amount, eval.c_elementvalue_id AS account_id, parent.value AS parentvalue, parent.name AS parentname, prod.value as product_value, prod.name as product_name, fa.ad_table_id, fa.record_id, fa.line_id, fa.description --fa.* FROM ( ( ( fact_acct fa JOIN c_elementvalue eval ON ((fa.account_id = eval.c_elementvalue_id)) left join m_product prod on fa.m_product_id = prod.m_product_id ) LEFT JOIN ad_treenode b ON ( ( (b.node_id = eval.c_elementvalue_id) AND (b.ad_client_id = fa.ad_client_id) ) ) ) LEFT JOIN c_elementvalue parent ON ((parent.c_elementvalue_id = b.parent_id)) ) ; select * from zz_scratch_factacct; --where --fa.AD_CLIENT_ID= 1000000 and --fa.dateacct >='2015-05-09 00:00:00' and --fa.dateacct <= '2015-05-09 00:00:00' and --eval.name = 'Cost of Sales' --and
Summary: Name
select name, sum(amount) *-1.00 as INCOME from zz_scratch_factacct where dateacct >='2015-05-01 00:00:00' and dateacct <= '2015-05-31 00:00:00' and accounttype ='R' and --($3=0 OR AD_ORG_ID=0 OR $5 IS NULL) and AD_CLIENT_ID= 1000000 group by name HAVING (SUM(amount)) !=0 Order by name; select name, sum(amount) as EXPENSE from zz_scratch_factacct where dateacct >='2015-05-01 00:00:00' and dateacct <= '2015-05-31 00:00:00' and accounttype ='E' and --($3=0 OR AD_ORG_ID=$4 OR $5 IS NULL) and AD_CLIENT_ID= 1000000 and parentvalue = '200' group by name HAVING (SUM(amount)) !=0 Order by name;
Summary: DateAcct
select 'Cost of Sales: I&E: ' || cast(a.dateacct as varchar(10)) as description, sum(a.amount) from zz_scratch_factacct a where a.AD_CLIENT_ID= 1000000 and a.dateacct >='2015-05-01 00:00:00' and a.dateacct <= '2015-05-31 00:00:00' and a.name = 'Cost of Sales' --and --a.created >= '2015-06-08 15:00:00' group by a.dateacct union all select cast('Cost of Sales: I&E: *** Total ***' as varchar(80)) as description, sum(a.amount) from zz_scratch_factacct a where a.AD_CLIENT_ID= 1000000 and a.dateacct >='2015-05-01 00:00:00' and a.dateacct <= '2015-05-31 00:00:00' and a.name = 'Cost of Sales' ---and --a.created >= '2015-06-08 15:00:00' order by description ;
select a.created, a.dateacct, a.product_value, a.description, a.amount, a.ad_table_id, a.record_id --a.dateacct, a.amount --a.* from zz_scratch_factacct a where a.AD_CLIENT_ID= 1000000 and a.dateacct >='2015-05-01 00:00:00' and a.dateacct <= '2015-05-31 00:00:00' and a.name = 'Cost of Sales' and a.created >= '2015-06-08 15:00:00' order by a.dateacct, a.amount ;
Initial contribution by: nTier Software Services http://www.ntier.co.za