Bantuan API MediaWiki

Ini merupakan laman dokumentasi MediaWiki API yang dihasilkan secara automatik.

Dokumentasi dan contoh-contoh:


(main | setpagelanguage)
  • Modul ini memerlukan hak membaca.
  • Modul ini memerlukan hak menulis.
  • Modul ini menerima permohonan POST sahaja.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Change the language of a page.

Changing the language of a page is not allowed on this wiki.

Enable $wgPageLanguageUseDB to use this action.


Title of the page whose language you wish to change. Cannot be used together with pageid.


Page ID of the page whose language you wish to change. Cannot be used together with title.

Type: integer

Language code of the language to change the page to. Use default to reset the page to the wiki's default content language.

Parameter ini diwajibkan.
One of the following values: ab, abs, ace, ady, ady-cyrl, aeb, aeb-arab, aeb-latn, af, ak, aln, alt, am, ami, an, ang, anp, ar, arc, arn, arq, ary, arz, as, ase, ast, atj, av, avk, awa, ay, az, azb, ba, ban, bar, bbc, bbc-latn, bcc, bcl, be, be-tarask, bg, bgn, bh, bho, bi, bjn, bm, bn, bo, bpy, bqi, br, brh, bs, btm, bto, bug, bxr, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ceb, ch, chr, chy, ckb, co, cps, cr, crh, crh-cyrl, crh-latn, cs, csb, cu, cv, cy, da, de, de-at, de-ch, de-formal, default, din, diq, dsb, dtp, dty, dv, dz, ee, egl, el, eml, en, en-ca, en-gb, eo, es, es-formal, et, eu, ext, fa, ff, fi, fit, fj, fo, fr, frc, frp, frr, fur, fy, ga, gag, gan, gan-hans, gan-hant, gcr, gd, gl, glk, gn, gom, gom-deva, gom-latn, gor, got, grc, gsw, gu, gv, ha, hak, haw, he, hi, hif, hif-latn, hil, hr, hrx, hsb, ht, hu, hu-formal, hy, hyw, ia, id, ie, ig, ii, ik, ike-cans, ike-latn, ilo, inh, io, is, it, iu, ja, jam, jbo, jut, jv, ka, kaa, kab, kbd, kbd-cyrl, kbp, kg, khw, ki, kiu, kjp, kk, kk-arab, kk-cn, kk-cyrl, kk-kz, kk-latn, kk-tr, kl, km, kn, ko, ko-kp, koi, krc, kri, krj, krl, ks, ks-arab, ks-deva, ksh, ku, ku-arab, ku-latn, kum, kv, kw, ky, la, lad, lb, lbe, lez, lfn, lg, li, lij, liv, lki, lld, lmo, ln, lo, loz, lrc, lt, ltg, lus, luz, lv, lzh, lzz, mai, map-bms, mdf, mg, mhr, mi, min, mk, ml, mn, mni, mnw, mo, mr, mrj, ms, mt, mwl, my, myv, mzn, na, nah, nan, nap, nb, nds, nds-nl, ne, new, niu, nl, nl-informal, nn, nov, nqo, nrm, nso, nv, ny, nys, oc, olo, om, or, os, pa, pag, pam, pap, pcd, pdc, pdt, pfl, pi, pih, pl, pms, pnb, pnt, prg, ps, pt, pt-br, qu, qug, rgn, rif, rm, rmy, ro, roa-tara, ru, rue, rup, ruq, ruq-cyrl, ruq-latn, rw, sa, sah, sat, sc, scn, sco, sd, sdc, sdh, se, sei, ses, sg, sgs, sh, shi, shn, shy-latn, si, sk, skr, skr-arab, sl, sli, sm, sma, smn, sn, so, sq, sr, sr-ec, sr-el, srn, ss, st, stq, sty, su, sv, sw, szl, szy, ta, tay, tcy, te, tet, tg, tg-cyrl, tg-latn, th, ti, tk, tl, tly, tn, to, tpi, tr, tru, trv, ts, tt, tt-cyrl, tt-latn, tw, ty, tyv, tzm, udm, ug, ug-arab, ug-latn, uk, ur, uz, ve, vec, vep, vi, vls, vmf, vo, vot, vro, wa, war, wo, wuu, xal, xh, xmf, xsy, yi, yo, yue, za, zea, zgh, zh, zh-cn, zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-hk, zh-mo, zh-my, zh-sg, zh-tw, zu

Reason for the change.


Change tags to apply to the log entry resulting from this action.

Values (separate with | or alternative):

A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

Parameter ini diwajibkan.
Change the language of Main Page to Basque.
api.php?action=setpagelanguage&title=Main%20Page&lang=eu&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]
Change the language of the page with ID 123 to the wiki's default content language.
api.php?action=setpagelanguage&pageid=123&lang=default&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]