Template:Contact (Window ID-53152 V1.0.0)

From iDempiere en

Window: Contact

Description: Maintain Contacts

Help: The Contact Window allows you to maintain Contacts who are individuals you deal with. Contacts may also be internal or external users who can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. A contact can also be a business partner contact.

Tab: Contact

Description: The contact details


File:Contact - Contact - Window (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Name Description Help Technical Data
Tenant Tenant for this installation. A Tenant is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Tenants. AD_User.AD_Client_ID
Table Direct
Organization Organizational entity within tenant An organization is a unit of your tenant or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_User.AD_Org_ID
Table Direct
Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. AD_User.Name
character varying(60)
Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. AD_User.Description
character varying(255)
Comments Comments or additional information The Comments field allows for free form entry of additional information. AD_User.Comments
character varying(2000)
Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.

EMail Address Electronic Mail Address The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com). The Email Address is used to access the self service application functionality from the web. AD_User.EMail
character varying(60)
Phone Identifies a telephone number The Phone field identifies a telephone number AD_User.Phone
character varying(40)
2nd Phone Identifies an alternate telephone number. The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. AD_User.Phone2
character varying(40)
Fax Facsimile number The Fax identifies a facsimile number for this Business Partner or Location AD_User.Fax
character varying(40)
Title Name this entity is referred to as The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. AD_User.Title
character varying(40)
Business Partner Identifies a Business Partner A Business Partner is anyone with whom you transact. This can include Vendor, Customer, Employee or Salesperson AD_User.C_BPartner_ID
Partner Location Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner The Partner address indicates the location of a Business Partner AD_User.C_BPartner_Location_ID
Table Direct
Position Job Position AD_User.C_Job_ID
Table Direct
Birthday Birthday or Anniversary day Birthday or Anniversary day AD_User.Birthday
timestamp without time zone
Last Contact Date this individual was last contacted The Last Contact indicates the date that this Business Partner Contact was last contacted. AD_User.LastContact
timestamp without time zone
Last Result Result of last contact The Last Result identifies the result of the last contact made. AD_User.LastResult
character varying(255)

Tab: Activity

Description: Contact Activity


File:Contact - Activity - Window (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Name Description Help Technical Data
Tenant Tenant for this installation. A Tenant is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Tenants. C_ContactActivity.AD_Client_ID
Table Direct
Organization Organizational entity within tenant An organization is a unit of your tenant or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. C_ContactActivity.AD_Org_ID
Table Direct
User/Contact User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact C_ContactActivity.AD_User_ID
Activity Type Type of activity, e.g. task, email, phone call C_ContactActivity.ContactActivityType
character varying(10)
Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. C_ContactActivity.Description
character varying(255)
Sales Representative Sales Representative or Company Agent The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. C_ContactActivity.SalesRep_ID
Sales Opportunity C_ContactActivity.C_Opportunity_ID
Table Direct
Comments Comments or additional information The Comments field allows for free form entry of additional information. C_ContactActivity.Comments
Start Date First effective day (inclusive) The Start Date indicates the first or starting date C_ContactActivity.StartDate
timestamp without time zone
End Date Last effective date (inclusive) The End Date indicates the last date in this range. C_ContactActivity.EndDate
timestamp without time zone
Complete It is complete Indication that this is complete C_ContactActivity.IsComplete
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