Template:Apply Pack In from Folder (Process ID-200099 V1.0.0)

From iDempiere en

Process: Apply Pack In from Folder

Description: Apply all zip files from a folder following the rules and conventions of Automatic Pack In process


This process apply all the pack in files found in a folder recursively - ordered by timestamp.
The filename of the pack in files is important, it must follow the following convention:

  • Timestamp: must be in the format yyyymmddHHMM
  • ClientValue: case sensitive and compared against AD_Client.Value to find the tenant where the pack in must be applied
  • AdditionalInformation: Any additional information to identify the zip file

NOTE that AD_Client.Value must not contain underscore in order for this process to work.
There is a special case for ClientValue, if the ClientValue is ALL-CLIENTS then the 2pack is intended to be applied in all active non-system tenants.
If there is a need to apply initially in a seed tenant then the ClientValue must take the form ALL-CLIENTS-Seed.
For example:

Apply Pack In from Folder - Process (iDempiere 1.0.0).png

Process Parameters
Name Description Help Technical Data
Folder Path on the server where the pack in files are located Folder
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