User talk:TheD

From iDempiere

See my documention here

What I am doing

I'm a participant in the Steve Jobs project under the iDempiere, with Redhuan D. Oon from Malaysia as my Guru and
Dr.Ing. Stanley Mungwe, the chairman and CEO of IT Kamer as my Mentor and supervisor.
I went out and bought fish with the guru and I was surprised when he told me the very fish cost 60% more if
it were in Malaysia... how the heck the cost of living there?..Never mind.
I watched Ralph(Trigger) document the OBPOS, quite interested I asked him some questions and I also helped him in
typing some sentences. I will equally do the English version.
so far, with the presence of the guru have spoken to some restaurants about the pos and gotten their attention...
I will now have to fetch more but applying the principles learned in the class encounter.

Documenting the OpenbravoPOS in the project

I am documenting the Openbravo POS.
This document is originally done by Trigger in French and translated into the English version by me(TheD).
You can also click here for the document in French. Your suggestions are equally welcome.

Studying java and working on wonderfulobpos

I learned a few things in java quite interesting and beginning from the famous FirstJavaProgram haha.
I think I will pick it up, but need some time.My guru is teaching me. Any of you who does not know java
but interested can google! or go to
The guru and I spoke to some entrepreneurs of a small enterprise about the pos(point of sales)...
These guys were amazed and curious. They wished to know much more... This busted my spirit and vision.
There's just so much behind the code, we've got to work guys. Those are people already won. A drink or
a meal wouldn't mean much for them to offer..kkk most often of course!
I had to come accross with the catholic university man while I was with the guru to take a drink in this
restaurant where we met these young entrepreneurs, but all in my head was know those codes faster!.
Sitting beside the guru in the cafeteria, I watched and equally asked questions while he was working on
java codes and creating a workflow order with nodes (begin, complete and next) needing conditions
and transitions.
I learned about their properties (name, description and action) and tried out reseting cache, editing workflow,
selecting workflow order and then refreshing... I then googled to study classes and objects in java tutorials.
I talked with a restaurant owner and worker about the POS, they weren't using any digital device
to calculate their sales but surprisingly they had a pc. So their interest in pos was swift but wait,
they wanted to see it and such that i also demonstrate how it works?!! hold... I had no note book with me...
Then I concluded the sale on 'next time while coming I'll make sure I have it in a key or a pc along'.
I learned some java coding, I even tried but it was not easy. I kept going the wrong way but finally
understood. I can also use a workflow I made with the guru, having nodes (Begin, Next, After, Complete) with
transition and condition...
Here is how the code for the conditions And-Or and Operation appear. There also is, for the condition column
which is longer, so the guru did it, and then transition description.

String labelAndOr = Msg.getElement(Env.getCtx(), MWFNextCondition.COLUMNNAME_AndOr);	 
Hbox hboxAndOr = new Hbox(); 
hboxAndOr.appendChild(new Label(labelAndOr));		 
hboxAndOr.appendChild(new Space());	 
final Textbox textAndOr = new Textbox(condition.getAndOr());	 
String labelOperation = Msg.getElement(Env.getCtx(), MWFNextCondition.COLUMNNAME_Operation);	
Hbox hboxOperation = new Hbox();	
hboxOperation.appendChild(new Label(labelOperation));	
hboxOperation.appendChild(new Space());	
final Textbox textOperation = new Textbox(condition.getOperation());
String labelDescription = Msg.getElement(Env.getCtx(), MWFNodeNext.COLUMNNAME_Description);	
Hbox hboxDescription = new Hbox();	
hboxDescription.appendChild(new Label(labelDescription));
hboxDescription.appendChild(new Space());	
final Textbox textDescription = new Textbox(transition.getDescription());	

I started some tutorials in Java, (an object oriented programming language with Dr Stanley and Nelson,
and we the apprentices have more than 75% of personal work with many assignments.We have been taught
the package, the class, the void main and the instances,...then we also began with simple programs
that do ordinary calculations. Of course we equally learn by playing, ~ hahaha!

Following up the remarkable! in Steve Jobs Project


In the class encounter we were taught Considering all possibilities(CAP), the expensiveness of thinking, using simple
words and targeting the sub conscience of your audience (some one listening to you).
We also reviewed the AIDA (attention,interest desire, action) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) . When you Approach
an audience do not be (or appear) defensive or offensive. Simulate or use actions when talking to an audience .
We have to know that the important matter should be paid attention to than the urgent. Do things first and different not
better. Try out new ways of doing things. Direct your attention; it brings out the best in you. In a sale, do 40% of
the talking and let 60% go to your audience. As concern the pos we will go out in teams of three or individually and
make sales.


In the class encounter we discussed the sales strategy to adopt for the POS and reached the point that, a standard price
can be held and then discounts made with respect to the various geographical locations.
We equally had many games (learning by playing), the most of which our guru taught us using (Performance against Emotion)
scale, containing five boats... and the 3 bulbs Microsoft problem.
Some guys explained their sales made during the week (learning by teaching).
We watched how to hack ADempiere! I doubt that method still being possible by now but I think there can be another way.
Body language was also reviewed and the seven habits of highly effective people by steven covey(author) taught


In the class encounter, we received a important guest, a software engineer,discussed about partnering, all know.
We also saw the SFAndroid by the Venezuelan programmer.
The folder OBPOS (Openbravo POS) which was first given out was incomplete, so it was then replaced with that which we
normally had to work on. One must say we there was so much confusion around ! We were shown how the interface could be
modified, though it could easily be figured out by any of us. As such we have also been asked to work on the category
standard,so that when a ' new folder' is created it does not overwrite the existing one.


In the class encounter, we talked about the yateBTS which has a range of 300 m of which we are thinking it being possible
to hub from phone to phone, and we listened to the guru's song. "promise". We also talked on how we could exploit
my love for korean music, and the fact that I can sing in korean into a dot com or bust up of the steve jobs project.ha
The point of sales was also studied by my friends and I, filled in images of the FCFA, but not yet done for the code anyway!
At the end of the encounter Ascii was asked to research on the telephony engine for the next class encounter. We may
possibly do the dot com next time...kkkkk


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