
From iDempiere


My name is Diane-Wilma N. Temeching. I am a Software Engineering student of the University of Buea, currently going to my fourth year. I am passionate/fascinated about Software Engineering (writing code and making some beautiful/wonderful applications just appear from nowhere. I guess that's what made me fall in love with software). I enjoy coding(most of my friends won't believe this), but I also like selling the software I develop (I think developing good applications that just sit on my PC is a waste of time and resources).

In future I would love to continue software development (and sale of course). So I guess I'm stuck in this software business for a long while.


I applied for an internship with the software company IT Kamer (I am required to do a six month internship in partial fulfillment of my BEng degree), and I was accepted :-) along many others. On commencement with this internship, I was introduced to the Steve Jobs project. So I will be actively participating in this project and I hope I learn a lot from it (I know I will learn a lot).

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