
From iDempiere en

It is possible to donate money to the idempiere project. You can contact User:TBayen for international bank account number (or german/european bank transfer by SEPA) or use paypal. We can also accept Western Union money transfer.

Send your PayPal donation to sponsorship@idempiere.com

Please leave a note if you want your name AND/OR your Country AND/OR the Amount to be displayed.

Btn donateCC LG.gif


The sponsorship initiative was first announced in this post:


I want to recall here too the three Redhuan Mantras:

  • Information Is Free ... U HAVE 2 KNOW
  • People Are Not ... U HAVE 2 PAY
  • Contributors Are Priceless ... U HAVE 2 BE

legal stuff and (preliminary) sponsoring rules

After the experiences with the legacy project and the ADeV there is no single organization or legal entity which "owns" iDempiere. The given PayPal account is owned by Thomas Bayen and if you send him money you agree that he will spend it in a way that help the community bringing the project further. There is no direct or democratic control about that. Control is through a network of trust and openness of informations. Thomas Bayen is the Trustee for the community. He decides about the utilization of sponsorship resources following loosely the following (preliminary) rules:

  • sponsors can recommend special projects and interests to boost
  • If appropriate the decisions are made within the Sponsorship Board. At the moment this consists of Thomas Bayen, Carlos Ruiz, Heng Sin
    • Sponsorship Board agreed that any expenditure below $500 can be agreed by two of the three members, and above $500 requires the approval of the three members
  • All Sponsorship Board members are to be informed about all decisions.
  • A system for sponsored developments has to be prepared. This may include a division of sponsored resources to developers, mentors, and the like.
  • direct costs (like paypal fees) are to be deducted

Every honorable community member may ask for a statement of the utilizations of sponsorship resources at every time. Sponsors may decide to conceal their name. This is the only information that is hidden.

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